I just found out that my insurance policy will not cover wigs even if the hair loss is caused by a medical condition which is covered! How crazy is that????? Oh well, at least I am not going to buy an expensive, custom made human hair wig!

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Comment by Pamela Rosse on February 23, 2011 at 9:32pm
I know doesn't that totally suck. It is crazy. The ball is in your proverbial court. You do have the right to appeal.
It is scary making the decision to file or not, you wonder if your insurance will hold it against you.
I made the decision to fight my insurance company, I took it all the way to an Administrative Law Judge, where I presented in a minnie courtroom.
If you go to my stuff, I have a blog giving the entire run down, of how I presented, the information I used.
I won, I was shocked & happy, but sadly the insurance company appealed, & they won the appeal.
I got a foot in the door for others, a foot that could help someone else get a hip in then the whole body & at last coverage.
Speak up & out, if we don't insurance companies will continue their back ward attitude, like medicare, who does not cover cranial prothesis because anyone can walk in off the street & buy one. How stupid is that.
Go to the NAAF they have copies of many appeals & how to's to assist one as well.


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