Today was the first day in a long time that it was not easy being an alopecian.
For those that know me and following me on my facebook page "Bald and Fabulous" I work hard on spreading awareness and inspiring others to embrace who they are in the face of alopecia. I do share my page around to different facebook pages, mainly those of other businesses and support sites. Today was the first time I received a "hater" comment. Nothing obviously rude, but enough to prove the point that the general public lacks in the knowledge of this disease. I was a bit put off on this, but chose to use it as a basis of how important awareness is. Besides the rest of the comments that followed were positive.
I also went to the gym today for a workout. While in the womens change room stretching a lady walked in. She stopped at the doorway, turned around to double check the sign to make sure she was in the right room, since I was the only one there. I then responded by saying "never saw a bald lady before?" In which she responded yes. In return I said Shame. I then continued on my way out to start my workout. I will say that despite her initial reaction, she did seek me out to apologize. Which I accepted kindly.
After being upset and angry its made me think. Obviously more people need to speak up about this disease. Society still cant seem to wrap their minds around seeing a bald lady. Or like to tell us its only hair. Ok fine its only hair. But its the choice of having hair or not that was taken away from us. And for many of us this hair loss happens so slowly we are left with very little hair to hide our spots and what choice do we have now. Some say we can just wear wigs, but is that to make society feel better? To fit in? Why, for many of us that dont feel the need to wear wigs, should we wear wigs. If we are comfortable going without headcoverings. Now dont get me wrong or misunderstand me. Wigs are gorgeous and its not to say that wearing them is wrong or hiding yourself. Its about the choice. If I chose to go without headcoverings, why should I be subject to the stares, comments and mistaken of gender. And the comments of "well if you dont want that then wear a wig" Its wrong.
Ok so I venting abit. I know that with my pressing for awareness and walking around without anything on my head, Im subjecting myself to an open playing field of ignorance. Its just my hope that one day society can get past all these prejudices and judgments.
I hear you... last year was the second time my hair was falling out, this time got pretty bad to i took control and shaved it. Always worrying about what people are thinking when they see me but trying to put on a brave face. I had a friend last year make fun of a guy walking down the street who had balding on the top of his head, and i said well so do i... her response was ya but i dont know him. Does that make it ok? if you dont know the person and they cant hear you? That just makes you a coward in my eyes... It's not right to make fun of a person no matter what. it made me feel like it was ok for the girls at the bar to give me funny looks just because they didnt know me. I have a wig but I just dont lik wearing it. I feel fake, IT feels fake. I am looking into a freedom wig for those bad days that I have and the das where I want to wear my wig and actually feel comfortable in it... I started doing some fundraising in Atlantic Canada, and have had so many people speak up, Jennifer, who did the mold for my wig, is passing me names from here anytime someone contacts her, We have been on the radio and two newspapers, hoping to get a lot more help soon. I cant get financial help because it's not life threatening and im 22. A little girl who listen and is fundraising as well for a wig, she cant get help because its not life threatening, even though she IS a child... I may not have cancer, or anthing I can die with... but I do still think i deserve some help with this.. With the emotional roller coasters people with alopecia go through its really hard, and I best im not the only one who has gone into a depression when I first lost my hair.. anyway, just saying.. i know how you feel.. you try to make the awareness but the smallest sentence or look can still just upset you.
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