Let's pray for our alopecian family and their families in Chile!

Dear AW Family,

This morning an earthquake measuring 8.8 struck Chile between the cities of Santiago and Concepcion. This happened in the middle of the night, so the death toll has not even begun to really be tallied. Tsunami warnings have been issued for Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Antarctica, and warnings have been issued for all of Central America and French Polynesia. A tsunami advisory has been issued for Hawaii as well, with watches and warnings to follow. Chile is much better prepared for earthquakes than Haiti ever was, yet our alopecian family - and all of the people of Chile as well.

My hugs, prayers, and support goes to all of you -- and for our Chilean alopecian family that have access to AW, please update us with your status. We are all thinking about you!!

***For the convenience of our AW family that is Spanish-speaking only, I have translated my blog into Spanish as well -- and please feel free to repost so our entire community can read this message!!***

Esta mañana un terremoto de magnitud 8,8 que asoló a Chile entre las ciudades de Santiago y Concepción. Esto sucedió en medio de la noche, por lo que el número de muertos aún no ha comenzado realmente a ser contado. Advertencias de tsunamis se han emitido para Chile, Perú, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, y la Antártida, y las advertencias se han emitido para toda América Central y la Polinesia Francesa. Un aviso de tsunami ha sido emitida para Hawai, así, con alertas y avisos a seguir. Chile está mucho mejor preparada para los terremotos que Haití siempre fue, sin embargo, nuestra familia alopecian - y todo el pueblo de Chile así.

Mis abrazos, oraciones y apoyo va para todos ustedes - y para nuestra familia alopecian chilenos que tienen acceso a AW, por favor, nos informe con su estado. Todos estamos pensando en ti!!

Views: 7

Comment by Joy on February 27, 2010 at 10:24am
Thanks for posting this. I will pray for all involved that the Lord will help them deal with this...the sorrow and death and all the things that go along with a natural disaster. I know their plight is more complicated than we can fathom! Thanks again!
Comment by kastababy on February 27, 2010 at 10:38am
You can follow the latest news on CNN.com or by turning your TV to CNN -- The US State Department is urging all Americans in Chile that are able to heavily utilize social networking sites as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and ordinary people like us to blog and post on AW status updates so that loved ones can find each other. For additional information from the State Department visit their website: http://www.state.gov


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