Hello everyone, The last 4 years have been the most difficult of my life. I had my 4th child at age 39. The hairloss started soon thereafter. Having the love child was supposed to be the best thing but it soon turned into a nightmare. Even during the pregnancy things started to change in my relationship. My baby was born at 32 weeks and in turn missed out on that all important bonding. Instead she spent 3 weeks in hospital being looked after by nurses and doctors. I had 3 teenagers at home and my relationship with my partner quickly spiralled down hill. This in turn bought on post natal depression. From the age of 2 my baby girl started suffering from separation anxiety. By the age of 46 my hairloss was so extensive and I felt so self conscious thatnI had no choice but to start wearing wigs which was also very difficult because there is no one to turn to for advise. All the sales staff in the relevant shops have beautiful heads of hair and don't have a clue what you are going through. It has taken me 4 years to be able to choose the right product and know what to look for. I suffer from alopaecia areata and I don't think I'll ever feel like a complete human being again. My "crown" has been taken from me. Up until now I tried to go it alone but really feel that I need the support. I would love to hear from anyone. I'm in Brisbane. X

Views: 140

Comment by Kim on July 17, 2013 at 2:08pm
Hi Petra. Boy... You have been through an incredibly tough time! I am so sorry to hear that. I haven't any children but with what I've been going through with AA taking care of myself is a huge battle in itself, so I can only imagine your struggle. I joined this site in a desperate search and need for support. We need to be here for each other as no one else has any idea of what were going through. I'd be happy to chat to you via Skype or email. I'm in Cape Town. Friend me. Stay strong Petra, you have the power & courage you to get through this.
Comment by Lisa Santer on July 18, 2013 at 10:45am

Hi Petra. You have been thru a wringer lately. Good for you seeking out support! We all have our own paths of dealing with losing our hair. Please know that regardless of what happens with your hair, you *can* feel like a complete human being again. Lots of us are living big, enjoyable, meaningful, loving, full, fun lives while bald. I believe support, like on this site and in person, makes it easier. You can do it.

Comment by Tallgirl on July 18, 2013 at 3:51pm

I am sure there have been empresses, queens and even noblewomen in past eras who had alopecia under those wigs and headdresses, and they were loved, honored and were notable human beings. If you can sew, walk, love, mother, study, garden, run, dance, paint, travel, listen, eat, work, breathe, pray, etc., then you are a human being. Stick on a hat, scarf or wig on and get back into the game, girl! Seriously. Go look at my page and past blogs, and see all the great idea others have posted!


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