Can I just say how freaking weird is it that, when I had long long hair beautiful black thick Asian hair I donated more than once to Locks of Love... isn't that freaking nuts.

So maybe... I can go get an expensive wig and maybe I'll just be buying my own freaking hair back!!!

Naw, I'm just pissed because I didn't feel like dressing up at all and I went Christmas shopping and from the back this lady calls to me and was like excuse me miss and I turned around and I don't wear wigs or anything and then she goes I mean sir, and then she kind of looks at with like this really confused look like oh God I just said both and I know one of them is wrong. And of course she was yelling at me across 15 other people who started staring I just rolled my eyes and said it's ma'am and smiled at her and answered her question about why the stupid alarms went off when I went through the door.

I never wear make up.

I was always into sports, I was a total tomboy with long beautiful hair and when I dressed up I looked great.

Now, I think that without hair it just totally throws people off. I mean I have tattoos up and down my arms and my mom was like well you do have tattoos on your arms. Over 90 percent of the time when someone says sir or something like that my tattoos were covered.

Like today I was wearing plaid chucks, jeans, white and turquoise stripped thermal and a cardigan with a black hat and earrings.

If today it weren't so freaking cool that emo little boys wear girl jeans and unisex is so in right now like American Apperal type of crap I wouldn't have this problem.

Or would I?

I'm just angry. Very angry. I asked my friend like what the hell was that, she was like I don't the colors and type of clothes your wearing are girls and you don't look like a boy.

Anyways do not take a offense to anything I have to say please I'm just ranting and raving because I'm still really fucking mad that I lost my freaking hair. And I used to hate my hair. But atleast I could wear whatever the freak I wanted to and not have to worry about being embarrassed because people can't tell what freaking gender I am. And of course it doesn't help that I do have small boobs.

Well slap me silly and call me sally.

I'm done I'm running on 3 hours of sleep today was my last final exam for this semester of school. Time to sleep and then goto work tomorrow for 11 hours.


SO, I edited this post because yes yes there was a tad bit to much swearing and I forgot this is a family friendly site.

Peace out Stay in school.

Views: 6

Comment by Linda on December 16, 2008 at 10:46am
Hi Suzie, a similar incident happened to me the other day in Ross's, a clerk opened a line and said, "Sir, I can take you over here". People in line looked from me to her and back again, I had on 4 inch heels and dangling earrings, but no make up and...(sigh) the infamous tiny boobs, but I am woman and when I got to her line, she heard me roar. I told her how insensitive it was for her to "assume" my gender. Unlike you, I was "femmed" up, I think she assumed I was gay. I didn't shout at her, but I let her know that I was offended by her assumption and I wrote a letter to the district manager. Keep walking in "Baldness" and know that you are beautiful!
Comment by Carmella on January 2, 2009 at 6:00am
You know what you should have said when she stopped you for setting off the alarm? "Call the police if you think there's a problem" and just kept walking. Then maybe you could have sued the place and the lady for wrongful accusation and public humiliation.
P.S. When are you going to put more music up? I'm becoming so out of date.


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