Losing hair dramatically yet all labs come back normal. Even physicians baffled! History of antibiotic and steroid use!

I have been on this site for over a month yet I have not been on here that much  this is why. In may of 2014 my hair started falling out right after I saw my physician for fatigue and my metabolism being shot. On May1st of 2013 she gave me a low does of synthroid I took it for 3 days on the third day my hair started falling out and I tossed it in the trash. Since then the hair has kept falling out and now my hair is grossly thin receding back to my ears and a bald patch in the front of my head where your hair starts to part. I want to share with all of you that I have PCOS and in 2011 I had surgery on my shoulder and got MRSA from the hospital so I had to be infused with the strongest antibiotic the CDC had to offer to save my life called Cubicin. I was infused with that drug for 5 months 7 days a week. My last treatment was Oct 2011. After that I was having to get steroid injections in my back because the MRSA ate up my Deltoid muscle so it had to be removed so my arm works off my back muscle. I have had many of these infections my last one was feb  2013. So it was not until May 2013 when I noticed my hair started falling out. SInce then I have seen 4 Internist , 3 Dermatologist, 3 Endocrinologist. I have been tested for Thyroid, Pituitary problems and Para thyroid issues and all my test come back normal. The physicians are baffled. Now I am being refered to the Mayo Clinic because I also have all the symptoms of Thyroid problems yet my test are normal. The physicians see that I have a problem but do not have a clue what is wrong. Last week they did a biopsy of my scalp for which those test will not come back for another 2 weeks. In the mean time the hair is still falling out. I noticed someone said something about Diarrhea and when I was being infused all those months with Cubicin I kept diarrhea now this started in May 2011 and I now its 2014 and still have it quite often I have had colonscopies since then and that comes back normal so none of this makes any sense. I stay tried all day cant sleep at night cannot tolerate the cold nor the heat and my skin stays dry  since the hair loss started and still my labs are normal. I am giving up hope here no one can find out what is wrong with me yet they clearly see it. I am going to start looking for a wig the end of next week and I do not have a clue where to start I do not want something that looks fake yet I cant afford  2000.00  wig either with all these medical expenses and facing foot surgery. I do want to mention I also saw a OBGYN that said I was low on estrogen in Nov of last year yet they said I am not in menopause and never have been so they put me on 1 mg of Estrogen and 50 mg of Progesterone and 50 mg of aldactone and that has not helped they hair keeps falling out and skin still dry so its done nothing. Im a loss here. I do not know what know of wig to get, all I know is to get a monofil wig and that's about it. This has been very hard for me to come to terms with as all of you know what I am talking about. Its really bad when you are afraid to take a shower because you don't want to see how much more hair will fall out. This is sick! So as nasty as it makes me feel I will shower everyday but wash my hair once a week but I do brush it 3 times a day and watch how much falls out each time and I try to catch it so keep it from getting in my roller in my vaccum and burning my motor out. My insurance doesn't cover psych otherwise id see a shrink on dealing with this. This has killed my self confidence  and I have a low self esteem and I have never been like this in my entire life. I wanted to share this with all of you in case any of you had any answers to any of this. Im lost bottom line! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I also live in the Atlanta, Georgia area so if anyone in Atlanta knows of a reputable place I can go to get a good quality wig please let me know. Thanks to all of you for reading this. I know I have many typos in this but im typing this in the middle of the night and very tired so I am sorry for that. I do want to say one last thing I do not let anyone know outside this site how I really feel inside. I put up a front and act like I am handling this well and I am not as a matter a fact I am falling to pieces inside and I sure have done my share of crying today. I cant help it this situation has made me sick and I wish in the Atlanta area they had some kind of support group to go too because I sure need it. I look horrible to the point I cannot even stand myself and never in my life have I ever been like this. Some how I have got to come to terms with this and its the hardest thing I have ever had to face in my life.

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