Losing Hair? try Biotin before you decide to shave your head

One of the choices I regret now was to shave my head when it started falling out...
All it did was cause all the hair on my head to not come back. One AW member suggested I take Biotin, and she said her Alopecia had stopped. I have been taking 5000mg Biotin Pills for about a month now. I'm actually getting regrowth on about 30-40% of my scalp. Although it's not 100% I'm happy it's atleast partly coming back. When my Alopecia first started I do admit I wasn't getting the best nutrition and I believe if I had been recieving proper nutrition my Alopecia might not have been as bad or ever started. So if I could got back a year in time, I would have started taking Biotin and Multi-vitamins and worn a wig or hat instead of shaving my head...
So if you're losing hair and considering shaving it off, I recommend trying Biotin before you shave your head or spend hundreds on doctor visits and treatments.

Views: 1998

Comment by Calipso on July 9, 2011 at 4:23am
I believe that every situation is different you are lucky that biotin worked for you, for some it didn't and shaving their heads was a perfect solution:)
Maybe I will try another course of it see if it helps my regrowth :)
But I'm sure that biotin isn't the panacea for alopecia, It's different for everybody.
Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 9, 2011 at 12:14pm
yes Calipso, everyone is different in wht works for them, I had a guy friend who went bald years ago , when I seen him he had a full head of hair, I asked him what the hell he did to get hair? He replied," you know those vibrating things you use for your shoulders, knees, etc,,,he used it faithfully for 3 years veryday and BANG he had hair and up to this day he still uses it!! I thought to myself omg that is so weird but hey it worked for him! Unfortunatly for me nothing works all I have on my head are tiny black stubs and been that way for a year now which I think looks pathetic so I have to shave it off to be comfy in a wig or i'll itch like I have head lice,,lol
We all deal with alopecia in a different way, i've noticed now my eye brows are starting to thin out a whole lot which sucks, everything seems to be gettng worst as the time goes by.
So Chewbacca go for whatever works for you and keep us all updated xox
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on July 10, 2011 at 12:24am
I'm so happy for you with your regrowth. That is wonderful news. Like said above different means work differently for people. When I was younger I also did biotin. As well as aloe. It seemed to work for abit. I have stayed on a vitamin B complex ever sense (booting is in the vita B complex and also good for helping with stress release) but unfortunately it didn't help this time. Bit I do believe it does help take the edge of the stress levels which is good.
Comment by for my loving daughter KT on July 10, 2011 at 1:29pm
Hey guys my name is Francheskia.. I'm writing on be half of my daughter who's 8. We just found out a couple of months ago she has alopecia. I started giving her biotin yesterday only because it's good for hair,nails and skin. I'm the one stressing cause I know kids at school can be mean and adults with the looks. At this time my husband and I talk with her but she doesn't seem to have a care in the world. New to the page. Oh my daughter's name is KT.
Comment by Rob on July 15, 2011 at 12:48am
I hope the Biotin works out for her. Glad to hear she's not having any problems with unwanted attention. And try not to stress about it too much, I don't know how much it has affected KT, but I did have it at her age (Nickel sized spots on the back of my head) and neither I or anyone else really noticed. And I find that stressing about it is what makes the problems. Just make sure she stays healthy, and if and when it goes away I'd recommend continuing Biotin, cause it more then likely will come back. I wish you both the best and welcome to the site :)
Comment by for my loving daughter KT on July 15, 2011 at 5:19pm
Hey Chewbacca can you tell me if certain foods,hair products or other things I should be trying...or not trying, I do understand I have to try things to see what works..just wondering work kind of stress could an 8yr old have?
Comment by Rob on July 18, 2011 at 12:39am
I don't have any food recommendations, I do drink A lot of vitamin water, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. And I can't recommend any hair products because I don't use them, and I haven't tried any topical treatments either. Maybe someone else on here might if you look around. And what I mean by stress creating the problems I mean like when my mom pushes something on me that's no-hair related. Or when she tells me I need to get out more and stop hiding under hats... She doesn't understand I do get out I'm just limited in transportation right now haha. And I don't like to be bald in public, but also 70% of your body heat escapes from your head, and it can get very cold up there. So I do wear a hat or beanie 95% of the time. I think she understands now but when she did things like that it only made me want to stay in, or wear a hat even more. And it didn't help my self-esteem much either. I'm just saying don't make her hairloss too big of a deal to her, cause that only leads to more stress and more problems for her. However she is only 8 so how her hairloss effects her is going to be different, she probably doesn't even think about it which is good.

Also I don't know her condition but if it's just nickel sized spots like I had they'll likely go away after awhile. I had the spots around 11 yrs and I think they went away after a year or two. Then when I was 19 I started losing more golfball sized spots which eventually led to becoming completely bald. I've been told this is pretty common with Alopecia, just try to keep her as happy and healthy as you can so if it does go away it doesn't come back.


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