Anyone had any one of these incidents?? I am younger than my years, or was until my hair started falling out. That was 4/08. Maybe it was because I used to go to a club on Saturday baby fine hair did nothing, so I would always wear a cool blonde made me feel better about myself..until...maybe it was the alcohol too but women would "look" at me and I would see that they were talking about me, and then their friends would "look" made me feel self conscious. The time when some mean girls (drunk, no doubt) walked behind me and tugged on my "hair"...luckily it didn't come off, but they sure wanted it to. Then the rude boys (men)..alcohol, again played a part...they thought I was a dude (looks like a lady)and one even was looking to see if I had an adam's apple, and told me so !!!! I was mortified. It was something I remember to this day and shudder. Did they ever think maybe someone has a medical condition or hereditary condition, or was undergoing cancer treatment ?? Why were they so cruel ??? Or did they ever think that maybe I just had fine straight limp hair that did nothing, so I wanted to look better???? That hurt.

Views: 72

Comment by Tallgirl on October 9, 2010 at 2:16pm
Other places to dress up: church, college, lectures, professional conferences, shopping, classical concerts, the theatre, visiting out of town, parties, showers, art exhibits, the ballet, or touring the country/small towns/big cities. We can stiil get our needs in the fashion display arena in places besides bars! Granted, men do not attend all of these. I wonder if GQ magazine lists places men go that are dressier? maybe younger men do not have the finer tastes, professional standing, nor income to attend some of these events. When I was younger, I think the only place I saw men dressed up was at fraternity/sorority dances, awards banquets, job interviews, family ceremonies or weddings! Best place to show off classy wig and clothes? Business or threatre districts in San Francisco, or at a courthouse...many attorneys and judges! At least you'd get respect about your wig with more intelligent people around!
Comment by Lexi on October 9, 2010 at 5:42pm
Amen to intelligence in both sexes!! About Christy's comment above...yes, consider where the looks/comments come from.... people who don't know any better, or have any intelligence and common decency. And, yes, I have always wondered, why is it that stars and millionaires can do whatever they once blinks. When average people try to do the same, for some reason, we can't?? Who says we can't??? It is all about having the courage to do what is right for you....We have but one life that we know of, and shouldn't have to live it for other people and for their acceptance, but for ourselves - to be happy and comfortable with who we are.
Comment by Jennah on July 16, 2013 at 10:28pm

That is so terrible! I haven't had that happen to me luckily but I often have people look and I wonder what they are thinking. Some people are so terrible! I bet you looked fantastic !! :)

I always say karma will catch up with nasty people like that!


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