I'm new here, and I'd like to start out my introducing myself my name Pamela and I'm 26 yrs old. Honestly dont know how I came across this page. But I've read up on some of the types of alopecia there is. And I've never been to a dermatologist for mine. But all the ppl I've talked to that knows someone that has it has never heard of it. I've had mine since birth, and my hair has never grown in, it's like a babies hair. Nor is full neither. I dont know much about any of this and have always been told there nothing i can do for it. So I have looked into it much. Some say it comes and goes. And some days it comes later in life. I was born with it as so was my son. He has no hair at all. And I would love all the information I can get and help I can receive from anyone who is willing to give. I'd appreciate it very much. Pmfarr1991@gmail.com is my email in case I dont get to get back on this site very much. Thank you to anyone that helps. 

Views: 86

Comment by Melinda on May 7, 2018 at 10:36am

Welcome! I know that this is an autoimmune condition. I believe that autoimmune conditions can improve. I know that I have eliminated my asthma, which is autoimmune as well. I'm 8 years bald with alopecia universalis. I've tried a few different diets to no avail. My sister has it as well. I'm not sure where to turn next. The prednisone that the doctors gave me was somewhat helpful, but the hair fell out the minute I stopped taking it. 

Comment by Tallgirl on May 9, 2018 at 10:11pm

Mine has a genetic link. I just learned through finding a second cousin via genealogy that my several others (males) in my family tree on my father's side had or have Alopecia areata. Great-grandpa may have also had it, because his photo was definitely retouched, and a toupee was found in his safe years after he died.


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