I was diagonosed with Alopecia Universalis in June of 2007. Within 3 days after I was diagonsed, all my hair was gone including eyelashes, eyebrows, and all body hair. I was devastated. My mother told me I could wear a wig. I denied. In the hope of my hair growing in by August of that year, I wouldn't be bald in 2nd Grade. I wore the hat shown in the picture I put up recently. In fifth grade, kids starting asking if I had cancer or chemotherapy, or going all Britany. I was homeschooled from then on.

Views: 110

Comment by Tallgirl on November 9, 2013 at 11:22am

Jenna, my alopecia started in fifth grade. I was able to hide it with hair styles, and then wigs in high school. I still got to join a lot of clubs, go to dances, be in a play, and travel. Never let alopecia stop you from having a fun, full life. Do you know where I met my BEST friends? At camp! I still talk to them now, and I am age 61! Get out there and meet some friends outside of public school in community classes, church, horseback riding, band, tap, anything. Also find support groups for alopecia at www.naaf.org. Good luck!

A Teacher    P. S. I also love cool hats.


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