My hair first started falling out at age 4. My parents brought me to several doctors for a few years until we found a doctor in New York City that started injecting my scalp with steroids. This went on from age 6 til about age 12. My hair had grown, although it was thin in ceratin spots, I had a full head of hair and as I got older into high school and began cutting it more often it would grow in stronger. I was very popular in high school, excelled at sports, had a girlfriend, was very well liked, was in with the a crowd, the whole 9 yards. About 3 years after I graduated, I noticed my eyebrows starting to thin out, it wasn't long before it happened again and I couldn't believe it. My hair was falling out again. I tried going back to the doctors for the same injections, but my body had changed and the meds weren't taking. I decided to stop and went into a little bit of depression and just kept asking why it happened again. I wore a baseball cap for a few years til one day i said well this is me and whoever doesn't like it I can't help them all I can do is explain to them that this wasn't a choice but it is who i am. My life has turned out pretty good if I say so myself. I'm 37 now and have been married to a beautiful, caring and supportive woman, who at my lowest point still loved me the same as when she first met me and I had hair. I have 3 beautiful childfren with full heads of hair. I love my bald look now and have for quite some time. I do have dreams at times of me looking in the mirror and combing my hair and it seems so real only to wake up and left with memories but knowing that what I deal with is nothing compared to the illnesses and issues that others in the qworld live with. You get people who stare every now and then but its natural, just when we starte at a person with a missing limb, disfiguration, or is very obese. Its best to educate people , I say and they will see the real you, with or without hair.

Views: 5

Comment by Sam Sam on August 12, 2009 at 1:31pm
Thanks for giving a young girl hope. I enjoyed this blogg alot. Life does get better.


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