I am so glad I found Alopecia World. I know there are a lot of people with alopecia but to be honest my daughter and I have never met anyone in person. I think Carli has done well with it. I am not really sure why. I hope because I love her no matter what and never made her feel like she had to wear a wig or that she was different. Being bald is really the only thing she knows. It is hard to believe that this september 12 she will be bald for 11 years. She doesn't know anything different. Sure the 1st year of her life she had hair. But she doesn't remember it. She knows that the pictures in her scrapbook are of her but she doesn't ever remember having hair.

Her biological father was horrified when she went bald. Never wanting to take her out in public, always wanting to put a wig on her. I was like...she is 1. What the hell? Over the years it got worse...and that side of her "family" still to this day talks behind my and her back. Complaining that I should MAKE her wear a wig. Now why the hell would I want to do that. I am not ashamed of her. She is likes the way she is. I have always told her that if she ever wants a wig I would get her one. So yes...in 2nd grade she wanted one. She wore it for about 3 weeks after that she said I don't like it I don't want to wear it. There is no way I am going to make her wear a wig. Yes I know that as she gets older she might want one and of course that is just fine with me too. But it is her decision.

A few nights ago on the couch her sister was getting her hair brushed (complaining as usual) and she says to Carli "you should have to have hair". Carli says matter of factly, "Why would I want hair? Then I woudl have to wash it and brush it and cut it and that is just a pain". Oh that kid. I am so proud of her. Because not only does she have Alopecia, she is also Bipolar. Yes...it really just never ends for this girl. All I know is that I love her and I am very proud of her as she is managing her Bipolar with medication and is doing awesome.

Views: 6

Comment by Tanya Reid on July 14, 2010 at 1:11pm
Hello Kristin
I am so happy to be in touch with you. Your story is very touching. I am am in complete agreement with you on not covering up your daughters head unless she wants to. SHe has nothing to be ashamed of, she's perfect! When My sons hair first started to fall out, I did cover it up, not because I was ashamed but beacause I wanted to protect him from other people. However it did not take me long to realize I was sending him the wrong message, that's when we we became "loud and proud" and stopped covering him up.
My son as well one day said "I never want my hair to grow back", to someone asking questions about it. I was so proud!
Well I just wanted to touch base and say thanks for sharing your story!
Keep up the great work for being an advocate for your children-GOOD JOB!
Comment by Evan on July 17, 2010 at 4:09am
Kudos to you Carli, kudos. If I'd had your attitude when my male pattern baldness started at age 18, I could have saved myself thousands of dollars, and untold anger and worry. Your comeback to your sister is priceless!!


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