I guess it all started when I was 16 and had HORRIBLE acne and went to a dermatologist. While there, my mom pointed out a patch of hair that I lost right on the middle of my part, that was rather large. The doctor said it was Alopecia, and didnt go any further into it. Well the patch grew back (the acne slowly went away) and I went on with my life. Skip up to 2007, thats when life took some bad turns. I had always had a bad stomach, couldnt eat certain things, and spent more time at home than going out because of it. Well I finally made a appointment with a specialist and had to wait about 2 months for that appointment to come. Well Almost 2 weeks till my appointment, my father calls me, not able to breath well. So I rush to MD (Im in VA) and take him to the closest hospital. The nurses tell my brother and I they want to watch him over night, and we can get him in the morning. Well the next morning we get a call telling us to get to the hospital as soon as possible. My dad was found unresponsive in his hospital bed and they had to shock him 5 times, and it wasnt looking good. My father was a heavy drinker and smoker, and NEVER went to the doctors, and all the unhealthiness finally caught up with his body. So after spending sleepless nights and long days int he hospital, we decided to let nature take its course. The following day was my big visit with the specialist that I was NOT looking forward to. They put me under, and when I came up in recovery, I was told I had Crohn's Disease. I had NEVER heard of it, and definitely was not happy with the "no cure...live with it for the rest of my life...lots of medication" that came along with it. On the way home I was still pretty loopy, so my mom said she would take me to the hospital the next day to see my dad. Well around 7:15PM my brother calls me to tell me at 4:50, that day, May 2, 2007, my father passed away, at the age of 49. Even though I new it was coming, it was the hardest thing I ever dealt with in my 22 years. Now skip forward to 2010, about 2 months ago, I notice a bald spot on the crown of my head. Then a week later, its larger, and I have 2 more spots. With my mothers convincing, I went to the Dermatologist and she told me I have Alopecia Areata and we decide to try the shots. I thought they would be more painful than they were, but when I was told they might not work, and then found out from my insurance their not covered, Im still trying to decide if a second round is going to happen. Now I have more bald spots than I can count, and hair down passed the middle of my back. It feels like a sick joke. Im finally growing my hair out, just to watch it fall out before my eyes. But just like I did with losing my dad, and finding I have Crohn's disease, I just keep on keeping on (Joe Dirt ;) ) Who knows if I will lose it all, of just have lots of bad spots... I guess only time will tell...

Views: 14

Comment by Devin on July 13, 2010 at 6:23pm
Hey Tamara, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad passing on, I can relate to the rest of your story. I have Alopecia Areata and then I had Crohn's Disease (those colonoscopy’s are fun hey?) then psoriasis and for a while I thought I had fibromyalgia, but the pain has mostly gone away at least for now. You start to feel like a piñata at a birthday party! You kind of wonder why me right...but you make the best of it and move on. I think it just makes you a stronger person. Hang in there!!!
Comment by Tamara on July 13, 2010 at 8:02pm
Thank you everyone, all of the support means a LOT to me. Its real nice to have people know how you feel and be able to be there for you. Aimme - I feel the same as you! Its bad enough having 1 non-curable disease!!

Devin - Those are the BEST!! (sarcasm) 2 in 3 years...I feel way over my 25 years...Hang in there too!!
Comment by Petra on July 13, 2010 at 9:48pm
Hi Tamara, sorry to hear about you Dad, I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I too have my share of health issues, it sure does not seem fair.

Honestly, it's not the colonoscopy's that are fun it's the prep for them :-)
Take care
Comment by Tamara on July 14, 2010 at 8:17am
Oh yes the prep is the BEST part!! ;)


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