I figured if i start off by listing all the things i hate about alopecia, then it can only get better right? Sure i can learn to accept it but maybe i just want to go on hating it for a little while longer.

Things I hate about Alopecia

1. I cannot wear my hair in a high pony tail.
2. My hair style of choice is a low pony tail or a loose plait
3. I feel i cannot get my hair trimmed because i don't want to go to the hairdresser
4. The way it grows back and falls out when it wants
5. Some days it falls out a little and others it comes out in clumps
6. The way it takes forever. 1 year later and i'm half bald
7. Having to hold my hair down in the wind
8. My ears starting to stick through my hair because of the baldness occurring above my ears
9. Can't colour my hair because the hair i have growing back is too dark and will be noticeable if i dyed the rest
10. Not being able to style my hair
11. The feel of fuzzy hair growing back
12. I can't enjoy exercise as much because i'm worrying about my hair at the gym
13. I can't just "go". I have to make sure my baldness is covered
14. The way my head gets sweaty
15. Tangles cannot be combed out. If I get a tangle, the force of combing it out make the whole bit of hair fall out

You know what I hate the most i think, my hair growing back. I can accept going bald and I can accept having hair but I cannot accept having bald patches of noticeable hair but still too much hair to have a wig. How the hell do i justify getting a wig when i am only bald partially?

What do you hate about alopecia?

Views: 34

Comment by Nicole on May 5, 2011 at 6:03am
Wow I checked out the website and I got a bit confused but it looks really good. Can you please let me know how it goes because I would be really interested to see what you think about it. Ideally I would love a human hair wig because synthetic just have that fake shine generally in bad lighting but I don't have the money to play around (which sucks lol) so that would be great.
I never sleep in my wig but I can understand the bringing someone home. I guess I was lucky because I got alopecia when I already had a bf. Aww thats really sad that your house mates don't know, I use to have hair all over my back on my clothes when mine was falling out (and I hadn't shaved it). Do you want to tell them or don't you know them that well?


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