I am a new sufferer and was writing to see whether anyone can offer me any advise or help. I was diagnosed with alopecia 5 months ago and have lost a lot of hair and am still losing hair. I have been diagnosed with alopecia Areta and told it was through stress. I am trying so hard not to be stressed however this is the biggest thing i have ever had to deal with in my lifa and am finding it a constant struggle and am stressing myself out more. I have lost a lot of hair on the top of my head and all of the hairline at the bottom of my hair. I am so worried about losing it all.
I was wondering whether anyone can advise me on any treatments they have tried. I am currently using steroid cream and have been to a trichiologist (hope i have spelt that right) and they have given me a spray that increases blood flow to the surface. has anyone heard of this?
I am willing to try anything can anyone advise me on treatments or do i just need to face up to my hair loss and accept it. This is such a hard thing to deal with and i am obviously not as strong as some of the people on here and i admire peoples bravery.



Views: 6

Comment by John M. on November 23, 2009 at 2:49pm
Jenny - first off, I'm very, very sorry to hear that you're going through this too. I'm in month 3-4 dealing with this (you can read more in my profile). As soon as people start commenting on your blog, you'll find an overwhelming response of "AA is unpredictable". They're right, it is...it is different for everyone. For me, I've got spots of varying sizes, shapes, etc. on my head. I'm still shedding here and there, but I've also got regrowth coming in on most of my spots too (regrowth started about a month ago). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm on the road to recovery, but who knows? I had about 3 rounds of steroid injections into my scalp around the edgest of the spots, but I've since stopped that treatment. I'm now doing nothing other than looking after my health and well-being. Oh, I do take a biotin supplement to help my regrowth to grow faster.

I can definitely understand your state of worry and stress. When I first found this out, it was like an out-of-body experience for me. I didn't know who I was anymore, but I sure wasn't "me". However, time heals all (really, I'm not kidding) and you'll hopefully learn that there are worse things to endure in life. Does this AA thing suck? Abso-friggin-lutely!! But, other things suck worse.

I don't know if this really helps you out any, but I hope you know that folks on this site are REALLY supportive and there to try to help where they can. I'm around in chat at times, and of course, you can always drop me a note if you have any questions.

Take care for now, don't fret/worry about this too much, and enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday.

All the best,

Comment by Robert on November 23, 2009 at 5:20pm
Hi Jenny

John summed this condition up perfectly.

I've been dealing with AA for over a year now and it is a rocky road. I was told that stress could make it worse and to try to forget about it... EASIER SAID THAN DONE!

The steroid cream has been working well for me and I have good regrowth in the spots. Anything that stimulates the scalp is a good idea... I use a stimulation spray every day, take a herb called ginkgo leaf (which can also lift your mood), get a head massage and a heat treatment to my scalp once a week from a trichologist, use a caffeine based shampoo each day... the list goes on. Who knows which one is working but regrowth is happening.

You'll experience stress, anxiety and possibly depression with AA. This has been the worst year of my life but I'm coming out of it. Stay strong - as John said "time is a healer".

This forum has been a big help to me, and I hope you find this to be the case too. You are not alone
Take care
Comment by Aida Ravaie-O'Sullivan on November 24, 2009 at 2:08am
Dear Jenny,
I just got diagnosed AA in early July this year, after only few bits of hair left on my scalp. It started in May...yes, very stressful. However, now in November, I have lots of regrowth ! My Dermatologist didn't want me to use any steroid etc, his suggestion was using minoxidil lotion, as you could buy it from pharmacy. So, since July until now, I just using this lotion, and it seems working for me, as I lost my eyebrows too, and I rub this lotion to my eyebrows and yes it works....however, I just don't want over excited about this....I just go with the flow...
However, Jenny, we are here for you ... xxx
Comment by jenny on November 24, 2009 at 10:20am
i really appreciate your comments it is so kind of you all to respond and its good to know im not the only person. It is hard to speak to someone whom is not a sufferer and feel as they understand. And i am trying so hard not to stress out all your words are really reassuring thank you so much x x
Comment by Angela on November 27, 2009 at 5:27pm
Hi Jenny,
I was just diagnosed myself...I am feeling all of the new, terrifying emotions and have all of the same questions. It is great to know that there is a support system out there...It gives me some hope :)
Comment by Gale Moorman on April 21, 2010 at 9:02pm
Hi Jenny, you are truly close to my heart in many ways. I have had alopecia for a ton of years and naturally at first it's a real downer, but as the years go on I've learned how to cope and do and live life. I've graduated from 2 colleges, was a sportswriter on my college paper years ago; learned how to play tennis and was on a league; I also have 3 big sons, all while having this puzzling condition called alopecia. I was laid off of my job in college 8 yrs. ago and went online to ask people what line of work they are in and what job should I start. A lady from Yorkshire, England told my she cleans pubs and inspired me to start my own cleaning service. I took her advice and it was wonderful. I have many customers and one of my sons helps me with the jobs. That lady who told me about starting cleaning-- her name is Jenny. It's all been lucky for me and hope I can bring you luck and your hair grows in from applying the cream.


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