I'm new to this site and have not yet discovered how it all works. I will probably have a hard time finding this post lol. I've been experiencing hairloss for about 7 years now and was in denial maybe wishing it would grow back and well... it hasn't! Ugh It's frustrating. My hair was one of my best physical qualities, I had soo much hair, beautiful ringlet natural healthy shiny curls now I look at myself in the mirror and can't believe it. Its to a point where I can't cover it with the rest of my hair and there's no point in having any hair at all, I look older too! I can feel ppl looking at my head and noticing, strangers won't say anything but family members have no problem with making you feel awkward and pointing it out and its even worse when its in a room full of ppl :(
But anywho... I have so many questions. Like how do you deal with this change in your life? Should I just shave whats left? Wigs or any other choices available? Where do I start where do I go? Do wigs make you sweat, do they come off easily? Will they come off if someone tries to pull it? I'm a busy mom I dont have much time to do anything are they easy? How many do I buy? Will ppl notice its a wig? Should or could I use the hair thats left and do extentions? Please HELP!!!

Views: 110

Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on December 31, 2012 at 2:04am
I wear a bonded on hair system and whatever hair you have left can be integrated into it!
Comment by Nina on December 31, 2012 at 10:25am

But wouldn't that pull out my hair when removing? Most of my hair loss is on the crown area so would it blend well?... Im sorry guys I'm so new at this and have no idea what to do or where to start

Comment by Lexi on December 31, 2012 at 10:00pm

If you have darker hair, and your loss right now is on the crown, I would try a topper. I cannot because I have fine blonde hair and nothing would match. I would look like I had a rug onto of my head, or a bird nest. And on top of all over thinning, I have ophiasis, no hair on the nape area. If you use what is left, at least for now, it may make you lose what you do have left all the sooner, it may, and then if and when you lose more, what to do then? Also, if you are a busy mom, and trying a wig - synthetics are the easiest to maintain. But hot in summer. There's always hats. Don't say you have never worn hats. I didn't wear hats ever either. I do now.

Comment by Lexi on December 31, 2012 at 10:02pm

Oh, you are in FL. SO am I. Hats !!! Lots of good HH wig places where you live. But they take a lot of care and upkeep. And $$$

Comment by Tracey on January 3, 2013 at 1:51am
Sorry to hear you are having a rough go. Re wigs: I find my first, one and only wig (HH) to be fairly easy to deal with and wear. Had it dyed and cut to match my own hair and just flop it on top of my own loose hair, clip it and go. It will not come off (without ripping out my own hair) with the clips, and after 7 months of wearing it most days have noticed no damage to the hair it's clipped to. (You can also have the clips rotated to ease the stress in troublesome areas.) I wash it every couple of weeks, let it air dry overnight, flat iron it a little, and it's good for another 2 weeks. Do I like wearing a wig? No. But it's better than bald spots, and I still had too much hair to warrant shaving (I do pony tail & ball cap on weekends). Is it hot? It was at first, but now I'm acclimated. Find a good wig consultant and pick their brain. Good luck!!
Comment by Nina on January 3, 2013 at 9:43am

Thank you everyone on your responses. I'm going to start doing some homework on all of this.

Comment by ruth on January 7, 2013 at 5:07pm

i am new also have alopecia for year and a half have it all back now but discovered a bald patch again just there on fri broke my heart to find it but will just deal with it no choice really

Comment by Nina on January 9, 2013 at 1:30pm

Sorry to hear that It sucks I know. Best of luck. Hopefully as newbies we can learn and get a lil more info on how and what ppl do to deal.


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