Interesting times these's pretty great by almost any standard you can measure it, but this Alopecia thing has a way of getting in my craw every once in a while. Chalk it up to the pressure of life (yes, I'm a believer that the stress around me and in me is a major instigator for my Alopecia), and we're all feeling it somehow, but my left eyebrow all of a sudden - after a good 4 years of stability - decided to call it quits. The bigger problem in this predicament is that he didn't bother to tell my right eyebrow - and now there's a major cranial imbalance that's got me brain going to negative places I haven't seen for a while. To shave the other or not is besides the point here - it's bad enough it comes and goes, but now i've got to deal with "episodic imbalanced alopecia". Can we all just laugh a little harder tonight???

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