First of all may I say "Ouch" when it comes to the injections in your head. I am going to a new dermatologist for the first time and am looking for other solutions besides getting shots in my head. As these were very painful it was the first and last time I will be getting injections in my head.
Any thoughts or suggestions on other treatments and or alternative treatments! Please get back to me! I would rather be bald than go through that pain!
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No, you have to get this by prescription. You can also try using ketoconazole shampoo 2%, which you also need by prescription. I think the 1% shampoo can be bought over the counter.
Clobetasol you use for 2 weeks then stop for 2 weeks and then continue the cycle (2 weeks on , 2 weeks off.) It's a topical steroid. The reason being that it could cause thinning of the skin if used continuously.
Hello I have had A.A. since I was 18 when I turned 30 all my hair fell out. I wore a wig for more than 7 years. Last March my Dermatologist prescribed Diphenycycopenone (DPCP). In September I stopped wearing my wig I had my hair growing back. It's not perfect but it has helped me. I still get injections in my eyebrows and the stubborn spots on my head. I was adamant that I didn't want to try anything else because I didn't want to get my hopes up. I'm glad I tried one more thing. Good luck
Hi there Barbara!
I started taking plaquenil, and after about 2 months, my hair began growing back. I stopped taking it after 4 years, in January 2014, and then in March 2015 I discovered a small bald spot. I am not going back on the plaquenil because it caused massive skin inflammation for me and I think was hard on my liver. Now I am bald, as you can see, and I love it. I of course know that baldness isn't for everyone, and so good luck to you.
Hello, At the beginning of my diagnosis i tried Clobetasol which did nothing. Then went to injections which did help but after doing research on injections and long term effects i stopped. I recently started taking food grade diatomaceous earth and have alot of regrowth.
I to have started taking Diatomaceous earth for almost a month now. Haven't noticed any changes with my hair regrowth but going to give it a couple months. I hope it helps. Heather you look beautiful.
My daughter has had regrowth with an ultraviolet laser the dermatologists use for psoriasis. It is called the Xtrac Laser and you have to do it twice a week. I don't know anyone going from no hair to regrowth but it seems to stop or slow down the progression and encourage new growth for my daughter. It is not always covered by insurance and can be very expensive so it's something you would want to pre-approve with insurance.
Also, as an aside, I recently visited a Celiac Disease specialist in Boston because we discovered my daughter has Celiac. He confirmed that many Celiac patients have Alopecia and most of his patients with both conditions get well and regrow hair once the Celiac is under control through a strict gluten-free diet. We are cautiously optimistic.
I guess I may be bias because I have had alopecia Universalis for 45 yrs. My hair started falling out in the 4th grade and before I was 15 I had none. But what I have found out over the years is that this is NOT a demitalogical problem. It is and internal medicine/Endcronoligist problem. And I can guarentee you that the only sure thing about this condition (unless you have what I do) is its complete undependability or unsureity. I have read countless posts about this injection and that balm etc. I seriously wish you all the luck in the world. I really do hope you find something. But as far as I am concerned there is no sure fire cure for this condition. Call any Endrocronologist and ask and get back to me if you find out different. Thanks, Mark S Hansen
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