Post pregnancy - and it looks like my hair is going to fall out again! I can't stop crying!

I was AA universalis. When I got pregnant, my hair regrew around the 23rd week of my pregnancy. My daughter is 5 and a half months old now and I can go without a wig.

I look horrible though. My hair is still very short, darker than it used to be and not as blond anymore. On addition to that I'm still so overweight due to my pregnancy. Nevertheless I totally enjoy not to put these aweful plastic wigs on and I've been without a wig now for 3 weeks. Now I'm realizing that my eyelashes on my right eye is thinning. I've checked my hair and I found a big whole on the back of my head, on the sides of my head and above my ears. Furthermore it seems like I'm losing hair, everytime I go through it with my fingers.

Does anybody know anything about regrowth and pregnancy? I really want to keep my hair but it doesn't look good at all! What can I do? I'm really depressed and I can't really concentrate on the normal things in life. I've only been thinking about my hair.

Views: 23

Comment by Georgie on December 29, 2009 at 7:21pm
I'm SO sorry....I wish I could point you in the right direction.

All I can offer are lots of hugs. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Comment by Amy on December 29, 2009 at 9:07pm
Zoe, sorry to hear of your problem. I went AU a few months ago- after being AA on/off for 20 years. I have looked into the pregancy angle quite a bit since that seemed to be around when all my problems got bigger (going off BCP). Anyway, when you are pregant the immune system is "ramped down" to protect the fetus. After delivery, your immune system returns to normal at some point. Sometimes people find that pregnancy put some other change into motion that changed the AA/AU, and other times, they go back. Of course everyone loses hair after delivery anyway- usually around 3-5 months, but not in spots or patches, its more generalized. I am thinking of having my third child and wonder if I will regrow and relose. My heart is with you. This is a sucky condition. But you are going to be moody right now anyway with no sleep and a messed up body! You survived AU before, you can survive it again, if it comes to that. Life goes on, its hard not to panic and obsess, but really, at the end of the day, life is full of things you cannot control, let go and try to enjoy your life and baby. Sorry though, I hope you dont go AU and are just having a temporary dip. Stay strong!
Comment by Joy on December 29, 2009 at 9:17pm
I know all the feelings of frustration and sadness of losing your hair...mine is going fast with no diagnosis. I dont know much about pregnancy and regrowth with your diagnosis but I wanted you to know you are not alone in your feelings. If only we could all get together and give heart goes out to you. Im sure having a baby is a comfort to you and you have the support of everyone here. As many people...I'm here if you need a friend. I so hope you feel better.
Comment by Zoe on December 30, 2009 at 7:39am
Thanks for your great responses. It feels good to hear that there are people out there who are going through the same sh**! Now everything is starting again. I keep standing in front of the mirror every free minute. I check my hair all the time and wonder if there'S a new patch or if it's normal.

I'm so sad! I've been without a wig for only 4 weeks now and now the whole hair proceedure is starting again? That'S so not fair. I was bald for about a year and a half or more. I wasn'T out in the whole time. I didn't go to the gym because a wig is too warm to exercise. There'S not a single picture of me because I keep running away from cameras. I'm really mad and nobody can really help me.
Comment by Andrea on December 31, 2009 at 3:05am
Zoe, first you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself over and over "I am beautiful." Keep telling yourself until you believe it. We are more than our hair. Have you ever seen on any job application the following words: Describe your hair and how it will help you succeed in life and in this job?

I'm not trying to minimize your feelings. They are valid and you are entitled to them. However, I think what makes the hair loss so traumatic is not so much losing the hair but how society will respond. I make videos for YouTube, and I am not ready to make one showing myself currently. I'm not ashamed but there are those who would use images of me to mock me. I don't need that.

Something I've noticed from long-termers here is when they let it go and embraced this new part of their life, stopped fighting and hating the inevitable, they seem to have all found new opportunities that wouldn't be available to them if they hadn't lost their hair.

Remember, you are beautiful! And you are valueable!
Comment by Cheryl Jeffrey on January 2, 2010 at 3:07pm
Dear Zoe

I have had AA Universalis since I was 4 years old, when I turned 15 my hair grew back, similar to your experience, not the same color and certainly did not look healthy but overall no wig was needed. Then I got pregnant with my first child my hair grew in stronger, healthy looking and I thought my world has changed because I have hair. Then my second child came along and before she was born I was bald again. My hair fell out fast and my eye brows and eye lashes where gone as well. Now my children are in their teens and I have not one stitch of hair on my body. When I asked my doctor why my hair grew really healthy for my first child but my second and third I had no hair, he mentioned that I got lucky with the first. Usually someone with AA Universalis doesn't grow hair back. As you read the other comments, I am not the best to provide support. I have never allowed my husband to see me bald, and I do not talk about it with others. Life as a bald kid was real bad,especially growing up in the 80's where big hair was in but bald was not. I got picked on my entire years in high school, I was called bald eagle, baldie, que ball and alot of other names. Now at 44 I still go to bed praying to wake up one morning and have a head full of hair but that will never happen. So I am in the hunt for a good wig that will make me look 10 years younger and I can look in the mirror and smile. Good luck, surround yourself with good people and keep on smiling. Take care.
Comment by Sam Sam on January 2, 2010 at 6:41pm
I am sorry that you are going through this. I also experienced this. My hair completly grew back pregnancy and i did not have to wear a wig after i was very excited, a few months later i was getting patches again. I wish that the doctors would look at that experience and use it for research. I metioned it to my doctor and he kinda brushed it to the side. I was so hurt, I dont think he understood how much hair meant to me being happy. my daughter is now 5 years old i use to get depressed now i just dont have the time too. I am looking for a new wig now to keep myself looking good! I wish you well.
Comment by Lois Bernard on January 4, 2010 at 7:23am
My children were grown when I got AU. I had regrowth for about two years. Enough to attend my youngest daughter's wedding without wig. Then gone again after about two years of hair. Now gone for good i think and since there absolutely nothing I can do I have to accept. Those who know me of course say I'm beautiful without wig and the grandchildren have no problem with it. Its not easy but what someone said about acceptance is really the key to focusing on other things. Your baby loves you with or without thats for sure.


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