Well folks I have just discovered I am in the early stages of pregnancy. This was a shock but a happy one. We have two boys 12, 11years and a girl of 6. Obviously as I am early we have decided to wait for the 12 weeks. As I am in my final year at University doing my teaching degree I am hoping the side effect to pregnancy allow me to keep up the work haha!!! Does anyone know what happens with aa during pregnancy, will my hair grow back??

Views: 52

Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on November 26, 2009 at 4:57am
Some women have mentioned that they experienced regrowth during and after pregnancy. Here's to hoping!! Good luck and Congratulations!!!
Comment by Carol on November 26, 2009 at 8:35am
Everyone is different when it comes to alopecia. I knew a woman that lost all her hair only during her pregnancy and then it all came back. I've had three kids and although my first pregnancy made more of my hair fall out, the other two gave me almost complete regrowth which fell out again after the hormoned died down. Even withouth alopecia women normally find that their hair is different while they are pregnant and if your hair did anything previously, I would expect something alont the same lines, thickening or thinning. Regardless of the pregnancy, once you've had alopecia there is always a possibility of it returning even if you do get full regrowth. Doesn't it suck that there are no deffinite answers? I hope that was at least somewhat helpful LOL ;)


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