hey everyone my name is Kaeleigh and i've been with my boyfriend Joe for 4 years now and he lives with me. This July he turned 21 and has never had or heard of anyone in his family with alopecia, to be honest we both have never even heard of it. Come November.. December 2010 his beard had a bold spot right in the middle of his chin and then come January 2011 he got his hair cut and it looked like the barber butchered the back of his head but as the days went on the top of his head started thinning and the back of his head got worse and worse. We brought him to a dermatologist and they sent him for blood work to see if it was either ringworm or alopecia. The test came back as not ringworm so the dermatologist said he ruled it out as alopecia. He wrote him a script for the creams for twice a day and they told me to wash his hair for him with baby shampoo since its gentle and by me washing it, its not as harsh as the shower. Every day his hair gets worse and worse but im still putting the creams on im actually happy to say today Febuary 1st im starting to notice some signs of little baby hairs coming in the bold spots are rough now not just skin anymore but come Febuary 9th he has to go in for the injections. Now i've read a lot of everyones blogs and i understand they may or may not work. My question to everyone is, how do i comfort him? He refuses to look in a mirror and every morning waking up and seeing hair all over the pillow freaks him out. I know i will never fully understand what hes going through because i have all my hair but i try to tell him i'm still in love with him with or without hair. He wears a hat all the time, is that making it worse? His family really isn't in his life so me and my grandparents are all he has. I've been reading all i can on alopecia so that i have a little understanding of it and i can tell him. But please anyones input to help me out so i can tell him
thank you kaeleigh

Views: 5

Comment by clare majka on February 1, 2011 at 2:25pm
Hi Kaeleigh first of all I am so sorry your boyfriend is going through this ordeal. However he is lucky to have you in his life as this is a very traumatic thing to go through, at least you have looked up this website, I have to say its been my saving grace. As far as I know wearing a hat is not going to make it worse I have been wearing a hat for the last 7 months. I developed this diorder last June, I am 46 and as far as I know no one in my family ever had it. They say stress can be a factor I believe I developed my Alopecia Areata from stress. It is going to take time for him to process this and its not going to be easy try and encourage him to go on this website as it really helps a lot. On a more positive note it will get easier. But you will have to go through the motions and emotions at his own pace. I wish you both lots of luck and love and I will keep you in prayer love Clare
Comment by clare majka on February 1, 2011 at 2:34pm
Hi Kaeleigh first of all I am so sorry your boyfriend is going through this ordeal. However he is lucky to have you in his life as this is a very traumatic thing to go through, at least you have looked up this website, I have to say its been my saving grace. As far as I know wearing a hat is not going to make it worse I have been wearing a hat for the last 7 months. I developed this diorder last June, I am 46 and as far as I know no one in my family ever had it. They say stress can be a factor I believe I developed my Alopecia Areata from stress. It is going to take time for him to process this and its not going to be easy try and encourage him to go on this website as it really helps a lot. On a more positive note it will get easier. But you will have to go through the motions and emotions at his own pace. I wish you both lots of luck and love and I will keep you in prayer love Clare
Comment by Alliegator on February 2, 2011 at 9:55am
I agree... keep reminding him that you love him for him and he is attractive even with out hair. And just be there for him and listen when he vents about it. The hardest thing for me was that my Mom (like my best friend) would tell me I was being vain when I would vent so that made it worse for me. So the fact that you are supportive should help. Also, I would suggest that he join this website so he can see that he isn't alone. Of course it might be awhile until he would want to join but he should when he is ready. These websites really helped me and he might feel comfortable venting to people who have it. I know what he means about freaking out over hair on the pillow. I would get sick to my stomach when I would clean my floors and mop up clumps of hair. It isn't a good feeling at all but there are men & women on here that know how he feels. Good luck to you both.
Comment by Kaeleigh Bialko on February 2, 2011 at 8:35pm
thank you everyone <3 i just read him everyones feedbacks thank you again it helps especially knowing that your not in it alone thats why im glad i joined the website
Comment by Tallgirl on February 4, 2011 at 10:53pm
Love him. Simply love him.


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