
I was just wondering....how do you know when it is the right
time to tell a person you are interested in dating about
your "oddity" I met this guy..and I've seen him a few times but he hasn't a clue I'm completely bald.. I have AT (so far)...I feel like I'm being a fraud and dishonest:/ It's very emotionally draining..

Views: 106

Comment by Lauren W on October 7, 2013 at 1:35am

I told my boyfriend before we started dating that I have AU, and he was completely fine with it. I find it to be a very good "boyfriend test," because if he didn't accept my hair then he definitely wouldn't have accepted and loved me. We've been together for ten months now and we're very happy.

It feels like a weird subject to bring up, but believe me, you'll feel a lot better knowing you're not keeping it secret. If he has a problem with it, which I doubt he will, then it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Good luck! :)

Comment by Tallgirl on October 7, 2013 at 10:54pm

Think about an ENTIRE life, not just the moment. Do you REALLY want a man who cannot stay around for any kind of challenge in health, income, emotions or accident? This is just the FIRST test in the search for the right person.

Comment by Anna Hall on October 17, 2013 at 2:10am

I've always exposed them to it right away either by showing or telling. It's funny, untill I met my husband evey response was apositive one. He was the only one who reacted poorly but he proved to more than his reaction when he made it a point to come see me and apologies telling me that there was something more about me and he had to get to know me better. While I had told him about it before hand he was still caiught off guard (perhapse because I de-wigged during an intence make-out session). So I've gotten a mixed reaction by this method but none of them were a bad experience.

Comment by Alliegator on November 1, 2013 at 4:14pm

I think you will know when the time is right.  I say that the sooner the better.  I agree with them... it is a good "boyfriend test".  I like to say that if you don't make it a big deal, then they won't make it a big deal.  If they can't cope with it then... good riddance!  There are great guys out there that won't have any problem with it.  If the guy doesn't react how you want, try not to get upset or mad, just find someone new, which is why I say the sooner the better.  It will be fine!!


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