i've recently found a way to vent about my problems without telling anyone the extent of it. MUSIC MY SAVIOR! i wrote 3 songs! all about tommy. it really helped. ill think about posting them, but they're pretty ammature. i doutb they're very good. i don't even think u could call them songs. i don't have any music for them. at the moment they're just poems i add music to in my head. ill be writing more just cuz it helps so much. i write down exactly how i feel at that moment and nothing else. the titles are "If you only knew" "whats wrong with me?" and "im done" ill post "whats wrong with me?" on this blog. the next song ill post is "im done." so here is "what wrong with me?" (keep in mind its only the first draft so it mite seem a little short. i mite add to it later)

What the hell is wrong with me?
is it pms or am i just a freak?
how bout some advice?
should i be hospitalized?

whats wrong, whats wrong, whats wrong with me?
my mood spirals down and up, momentarily.
hey, ill pop a prozac and call it a day.
ok, not really.

my mind wanders here and there.
i miss half of whats going on around me.
but who cares, who cares, who cares?
does it really matter?

why is this happening to me?
i can only think of one reason.
guys! they ruin, ruin, ruin me!
im tired. tired of all this crap im takin.
its means nothin.
i just have one question.
whats wrong with me?

and that would be it. tell me what u think. ill take any suggestion and if i like em ill see if i can add them in.
thanks everyone for all your concern. i never thought anyone would care this much about me. besides immediate family. it really means a lot.

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Comment by Courtney on November 7, 2008 at 4:19pm


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