Hello all, I was hoping someone could help me with my dilemma. I am a newbie to wearing hair and I bond with supertape all the way around the perimeter. I am going on my hols to Turkey early June, where I know the temperature will be hot hot hot! (yes)!

One of the nice things about Turkey is the Turkish baths, but as it is a steam room/sauna can I still go in with my wig on, or will it loosen up? I am going to 10 days so was hoping not to have to re bound while I was out there.

Any tips are very welcome.

Thank you in advance :-)

Views: 1621

Comment by Tallgirl on May 13, 2011 at 11:47pm
Heat destroys synthetic wigs. Turkish scarves look fantastic, and if the dyes don't run, may be a better choice.
Comment by Pat on May 14, 2011 at 1:40am
My experience with tape/glue is that steam and the resulting sweat tends to loosen the hold especially around the neck and ear areas. You could just use small pieces of tape at a few strategic points which will be enough to hold the wig on and changing the tape if it loosens will be much easier.
Comment by dannii on May 14, 2011 at 7:09am
Thank you guys for your help. I think I'll go with your idea Pat, thanks.
Comment by Pat on May 14, 2011 at 7:58am
Bear in mind that each individual's body chemistry is a little different and will have a slightly different effect on how the tape/glue holds up. When I was taping/glueing my wigs on regularly I applied anti-perspirant around my head's perimeter and this helped to stop the wetness/sweat from breaking down the bond. There is also a product you get from the chemist that helps put a barrier between your skin and the tape/glue that helps stop any irritation you get from them. I can't remember the name of it but it's for creating a barrier to surgical tape. I became allergic to tape and then went to using glue which I still use at times just by my ears and forehead. I use a water based glue as I like to take my wig off at night and it cuts down on the cleanup.


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