Scarring Alopecia- May be starting a new treatment soon!

I had alopecia Areata for the last 5 years which progressively got worse. I was receiving shots and topical treatments for the whole time- with mixed to no results.

In October of 2008 I had a bad run of hair loss that got so bad my hair started shedding from all over my scalp and not just the typical areas where I had the AA.

I had a follow up appointment with my Dr. and when I went in she told me that I had a run of LPP or Lichen Plano Pilaris- a form of scarring Alopecia. The condition was a little itchy, but my hair turned gray and then just seemed to die everywhere all at once.

I t was a real horror show in the shower..within 2-3 weeks I decied that I had better just shave my head and be done with it. The scarring looks like stretch marks and is a little red. I am afraid that going in the sun will darken the marks and leave darker scars and pits.

I wear a hat mostly all the time now. Some people think I have a bad illness, but I tell them it's just the hair loss. I feel really bad for young women who get this- it's hard to be that age and not have your beautiful hair to compliment your style etc. Hey- like most folks here will tell you, your hair loss feels traumatic, but there are thousand s of folks far worse off in thier type of health condition- so let's be thatnkful that we are other wise healthy!

Well, the point of htis post was to mention that my Dr. has sent me to a clinic to receive some topical treatments that are supposed to trigger the haor follicles into's some kind of acid and I'll have to look it up again if anyone hasn't heard of goes on once per week and in vary degrees of strength. Over time it has had good % of total regrowth on AT scalp cases.

Anyone tried this or considered trying this?

Views: 45

Comment by Craig S on February 9, 2009 at 2:57pm
Thanks for your comment Cindy-I found a discussion group here on AW that covered the acid treatments and I think the majority concur with your experience..not worth the hassle and itchiness/ pain/ burns.

I think my Dr. wants me to have hair more than me..

Did your Doctor suggest the UV treatments? I had hiar grow on my knee (legs are bald) from the sun while driving with the window down..bizarre but true..fell out again in the fall winter.. I agree- if we have this condition, just deal with it- the hassles and recurring growth/ loss is too much of a hassle.

You are a gorgeous young lady- if the wigs do the trick for you- there is nothing to lose! THink of how fast you can get ready to go out compared to your friends! Wooo!


Comment by Craig S on March 29, 2009 at 3:01pm
Hi Cindy- I had a recent appointment with my Derm and we tried shotting my eyebrows with cortisone- it hurt like a bugger too! So far nothing, but she also gave me a new treatment called Lumigan for my eyelashes and eyebrpows (they are all gone now) to stimulate regrowth. There has been great success with those, so maybe you could look into that for you as well?

It takes 5-6weeks to start growing apparently.

I am more stressed about eyebrpows than heir at this point- I am quite used to it and nobody says anything anymore- it just becomes how you look.

I do have a appointment with a special derm clininc at the hospital on April 9th to review the acid stuff- but I am not sure I want to even bother with it at this point!

How are you doing? Hope you are busy with wedding plans and picking a beautiful dress etc.

Chat soon



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