why is it everyone tells me im takin it well, wen im not really, i hate bein bald i hate the fact that my eyebrows and other body hair is thinnin, i am so hurtin inside that no 1 knows' apart from the people that r on this site, i hate it like really hate this havin not hair,no confidence left now, didnt have much before that anyway. people will never ever understand how u feel until they have bn thro this themselfs, i her my friends n family sayin how gd it would be if no one had there hair to do, but they will never know how it feels to never have any, sometimes i think im copin well, but really im not, i hate hate hate this horrible hairloss, i dont even have the guts to tell the doc how exactly how i feel, some people keep tryin to tell me how there is people worse off, but alot of the time i dont think there is, i dont think things can get any worse, i luved my hair n hate havin to wear these scarf things,hate it,?

Views: 1

Comment by JeffreySF on June 8, 2009 at 1:55am
Hi Lynne,

Yes I know this sucks big time. It will get better. it takes time and self healing
Know that this could be temporary. Hang the best you can and vent as much as you need too.

I wish you well,

Comment by lynne on June 8, 2009 at 2:37pm
oh god, i was very drunk wen i wroye this, it is how i feel but didnt mean to rite with so much hatered, i just want my wigs and id maybe be more confident, anyways i do have hair growin in so i should be happy, but tryin to get my hopes up to much,
Comment by JeffreySF on June 8, 2009 at 3:12pm
Haha A little too much of The Drink!!! Been there done that too.
Hope you are having a good day today.
Comment by Alexandra on June 8, 2009 at 10:40pm
I've found that Alopecia can be most like a rollercoaster. Some days you feel great, other days you feel unhappy. It may take time to get the the "great" part, though. It took me 2 years (though I know for many people here it has taken much longer). I found that just living life the way you did before losing your hair can help. Maybe we didn't overthink things and ourselves in general when we didn't have hair loss. Believe me, I know it can be very difficult, but it's worth a shot. There's a saying that goes "Laugh and the worth laughs with you, cry and you cry alone." A bit cliche, yes, but still true, to my experience. I hope you find the strength and confidence inside yourself to carry on and live happily. And of course, there's always the comfort of Alopecia World! It's certainly helped me get through some hell-ish times.
Best of luck,
Comment by Mary on June 9, 2009 at 1:05am
Dear Lynne - All we can each share is our own personal experience, and everyone's is different. For whatever help it might be to you, I will tell you that about a year ago, I was crying all the time, raging over my lack of hair, angry, HATING my appearance, and feeling like my life was over.

At this point, it's a year and a half since I shaved, and a little over a year since I lost my eyebrows and everything else. I don't cry anymore, though I do have some down days. I still hate the fact that I don't have my hair. But, I think I've just accepted the fact that I'm going to look like this for the rest of my life. I basically hold my head up, smile, and dare people to stare. The longer I've done that, the easier it's gotten. The more I adopted the attitude that I'm fine bald, the more it doesn't seem to be a big deal to other people.

I agree with what Alexandra says about living your life as you did before losing your hair. I go about my day bald and act like there's nothing abnormal about me. My attitude now is perfectly summed up by the T-shirts I recently got (from Bald Girls Do Lunch) that say: "Bald? So What!"

I don't know if this helps you...hang in there and know you're not alone.
Comment by lynne on June 9, 2009 at 4:13am
thanksfor all ur lovely comments, i know it will take me a very long time to accept this, but i know i dont have much choice, i feel the world needs to know all about alopecia as alot of people from my work dont understand wat it means, which makes it harder, if people understood wat it meant then maybe people wouldnt be so cruel, but thanks again im glad i can express my feelings properly as i cant tell my friends or family about it all,
Comment by Sue on June 9, 2009 at 7:12pm
I hear you loud and clear. I still cry.........alone. Everyone who knows thinks I have a great attitude. So they think. I'm a tough cookie on the outside, but inside I am so very, very, sad about this loss. I can't look at myself in the mirror and not get blue. One of my doctors told me that when I look in the mirror I should smile. I'm still working on that! There are people who I haven't told. There are people I don't even want to see. Some days are better than others for sure. I just keep plodding along. You will too. Sue
Comment by Kristen Viveros on June 9, 2009 at 7:38pm
People who don't experience hair loss sometimes can't always relate to us. I have a best friend who has Alopecia Universalis and she has been that way ever since I have known her. She lost all her hair when she was 12 and I met her right after that. At that time I was far from being diagnosed myself. I think that me having a close friend from childhood with this condition prepared me for my diagnosis later in life. People have to question the unknown, because they don't understand it. Of course there are worse things out there than hair loss, but you are not comparing yourself to other people who are worse off. I think that by saying this that they are trying to make us feel better, for lack of something better to say. But, you know what... screw what other people say, think or feel. Its about how you feel and you have to cope with your loss the only way you know how. I feel that Alopecia World has really helped me a lot by providing me with hundreds of people who relate to me. And by providing a place for me to vent my feelings aka b!tch about how stupid people can be. Its hard to be bald and confident in a world based purely on looks. It sucks but it is the sad truth.
Comment by Sue on June 9, 2009 at 7:46pm
Sad indeed. You added a bit of levity to my day though. Thanks! Sue
Comment by JeffreySF on June 10, 2009 at 12:38am
Nice Post Kristen


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