This is my senior year and i wear a wig. alot of people know because i dont let people get me i will walk into a store with out my wigg and watch people stare at me. I live in a small town so everyone talks. In Vermont Alopecia is not comon at all because we will do anything for one another in a time of need but everyone talks so if you have it you dont talk about it or if u dont have it you dont take the time to concider the people who have it. i wish i knew someone who lived near me who had Alopecia because i do have friends i can talk to but they dont fully understan what i am talking about. And its the little things that are said like no one wants to see a bald woman. Or why are you wearing that wigg. i am not compleatly bald but i am at a 75% loss and i cant bring myself to shave the rest of my hair off. I have had alot of shit going on and i have more doctors than i can count on one hand. i am in and out of the hospital more than i can think of. i get sick really easy and i cant handle sicknesses. I have had sergery on my knee and to have my galblatter removed. I am not ashamed of who i am i just hate standing up to ignorate people alone. I got my wig the end of my jr year and it has been all but normal since

Views: 118

Comment by Tallgirl on September 6, 2011 at 8:20pm
Make sure you get your wig styled (thinned? bangs?) by a real professional wig stylist. Have her give you suggestions for styles, and get a make-over at a good cosmetics counter at a mall (if it didn't get washed away in the floods). Also, at Macy's you can get a personal session with someone to plan styles for you...even if you don't buy all of them. Jewelry? Smile? Shoes? Even if you get things at thrift stores and yard sales, you can make your senior year a lot of fun. Take along some friends who are hilariously funny and adventurous...and don't forget the camera!
Comment by Sophia on September 8, 2011 at 8:52am
I know what it's like to have people stare at you , I started wearing a wig when I was 12 so before that I was always wearing hats. It was clearly visible I was bald. I guess it either breaks you, or makes you. It's just something us Alopecians have to live with if we decide to go bald. It hurts, but believe me, once you're out of high school, life will be easier with Alopecia. As for wearing wigs, I love it. I have been wearing wigs for almost 13 years now & I am so glad I made the decision. I agree with Tallgirl, I would suggest too that you get a good quality wig with a mono top/handtied/or even lace for the most natural look. You can get great wigs for less than $200.
& in case your worried about boys, there are lots of good men out there who do not care about your hair. :)
Comment by Katelyn Mariie on September 9, 2011 at 2:38pm
I finally told almost all of my guy friend and i was worried they would freek out but they were all like omg im so sorry. so they dont mind it which makes me feel alot better becuase i dont really care what people i dont know think i just care what my friends think. I have a friend who went though cosmotoligy so im buying a full lace wigg from divatress for $68 dollars and she is going to style it for me because when she was in cosmotoligy she was working with manily wigs and she is willing to do it for free. My family doesnt have much money so i have to look for the cheapest routes. I am trying to get a job so i can get a really nice one but there are no jobs after the big flood we had. Thanks you guys. :)
Comment by Amanda Jo Britt on January 25, 2012 at 1:00am

I'm originally from lyndonville, VT. Right now I'm travelling the world as a military wife though. My husband is from vt. Don't worry about what they think too much. I had more support from my friends in vermont than from anyone since.


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