Some people are sooo rude and ignorant!

I have had alopecia for 13 years. This weekend I went out with some friends and this "lady" was like "Where is all of your hair?", from across the bar so everyone could hear her. I was really embarrassed because in 13 years I've never had anyone be so blatantly rude. Even the people sitting next to her looked at her like she should shut the !.&@ up.
The worst part is she went on to talk about how she was married to a guy who hand alopecia for ten years. I can only assume he left her because of the way she acts. Anyway, I thought that I would share this experience because even after 13 years of being at peace with my alopecia that was hurtful and now I am a little more conscious of how I look. Did not need that.

Views: 19

Comment by Teresa Cox on February 7, 2011 at 2:16pm
many times folks' mouths kick in before their brain, therefore, they end up on the rude side. I've had a similar experience.
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on February 7, 2011 at 4:11pm
Paul don't let ignorant people zap your confidence, here's to another 13 years of peace!
Comment by Joseph Aguilar on February 8, 2011 at 2:34am
How embarrassing, it hurts to hear things like that. Then you stop and consider the source and quickly come to the realization of who is talking. Your right she is ignorant.
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on February 8, 2011 at 12:39pm
I was covering reception yesterday when a man walked in looked at me and laughed, laughed out loud. And he had his kid with him. Yes, ignorant people are everywhere, I should have touched him and told him my condition was contagious. LMAO
Comment by Julie G on February 8, 2011 at 1:24pm
I know how you feel. I had a boyfriend of a friend who was walking on the opposite side of the mall yell out at me that I was missing some hair and that was 10 years ago when I had more hair than I do now. I have also had coworkers point it out to me too..very embarassing
Comment by Devin on February 8, 2011 at 5:42pm
Hey Paul, Well if your dumbass hunting “from across the bar” is probably one of the best places to catch one, since alcohol has that effect on some people, but hopefully it didn’t bring you down to much. I know how you feel, but we shouldn’t let ignorantance get to us, anyway welcome to Alopecia World.
Comment by Jim Jensen on February 8, 2011 at 6:01pm
Don't stay down for too long Paul. You look fine. I need to shave eventually and would do so today if assured your look. That woman I am sure was probably under the influence and not thinking before blurting out.
Comment by Angie P on February 8, 2011 at 7:44pm
Well, if I could determine that she wasn't drunk**, I might retort with some comment about her lack of decorum and I might possibly (loudly) question how she was raised and if she was still living in the basement of her wolf parents' barn. Or something along those lines. ;)

I know ... immature, but it would be fun.

**I don't spar with drunks. Half the time they don't know what they're saying.
Comment by Essence on February 8, 2011 at 10:48pm
oh yes. ignorant people are EVERYWHERE!! i had an ignorant teacher once.. who yelled (in a student filled high school cafeteria) "HEY! LET ME BORROW YOUR WIG!!!". i was mortified. don't let that... (i was going to say woman but i won't give her the decency)... human being get you down!! you're handsome!

enjoy your week. xo. -Essence.
Comment by Phil on February 8, 2011 at 11:00pm
I sometimes wish i could put my fist in the face of everyone who ever made a comment like that, but that would make me just like them. Keep your head up, im often reminded of what a preacher that traveled the world once said. Dont ever consider what PEOPLE say about you, but only consider what GOD says about you, and i can tell you this, he thinks your are just as beautiful or handsom as the most beautiful or handsom guy in the world.


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