Something I read that prompted me to join

I am responding to a woman named Rose who felt her husband was not as attracted to her since AU.  I am 67 years old and have been married for 33 years. Two years ago, I developed AU---probably from the death of my dear sister which took me by complete surprise---I don't  know if that was it but it happened after her death. My husband has always thought I was beautiful, but wasn't very verbal about it.  Around the age of 60 he became very vocal about how he felt about my attractiveness---it was wonderful to hear him express how he felt and it made me feel beautiful too.  Since AU I never get those comments anymore----I know he loves me, but I also know that it is hard on him.  In some ways it is harder on him than it is on me. He misses the old me and it is sad for both of us. I always am thankful that this happened to me so late in life and feel so badly for people that have to experience this early in their lives. But I know how Rose feels. I see it in my husbands eyes. He always tells me that I am a Marine (which to him is the utmost complement) in how I have handled this, but the spark is not there anymore----it is just very hard to explain----love is there, but the spark is not----it is all OK but it is not that same. I feel blessed that I am not dealing with something worse, believe you me, but it is still sad.

Views: 176

Comment by janetparsons on November 6, 2015 at 5:44pm

I have au sincethe age of 20 iam now 61, I am a single  parentwith grownson,and 2 grandkids to tell the truth, I will never feel the same about myself until the day I die, a part of me died when my hair fell out, and I just can,t get iit back,i havea steady boyfriend, nut I still hate the way I look.

Comment by lake lady on November 6, 2015 at 6:04pm

I can certainly understand that. You lost yourself so young---I can't really imagine that. I was so old and so thankful for that, but I do understand your feeling about never feeling the same about yourself--it is so strange----you are one person one day and then you are another completely different person that you do not even recognize-----a very alternative universe that no one really understands until they experience it.  It really sucks, but as we all know, there are so many worse things, but it is good to get it off our chests because it does hurt in ways that others don't know. 

Comment by Dianna 845 on February 19, 2016 at 10:22pm
Hi. Was reading this thread. Hope you don't mind me jumping in..I also had hair till I was 56 yo. Albeit thin. I loved it just as long as it didn't become thinner. I didn't have death of a loved one but none the less a very stressful experience. My hair shed in a few months. Now I must wear wigs. I find I do not really care for the 2 I have. I feel as if I'm looking at a stranger. I ordered another today on line. I hope it makes me feel more like me only improved. That's what I'm looking for in a wig. Contemplating shaving the strings that are left. I suppose its an do genetic alopecia in nature. I'm worried how I will handle summer. Also people who have their hair make light of it. I've heard " well you didn't lose an arm" etc. Oh gee, that helps. Wigs give me a headache. So I at least want to look good! Then maybe I'll feel better. What an adjustment.I have feared losing my hair for about 15 years. Never thought it would occur like it did.(fast). Many times I thought, we'll you had it for 56 years. I feel as if I aged 15 years in a few months. Not even doing make up much.I can't stand washing it off and my strings getting all wet. I have thyroid issues as well. So biggest fear came true. I'm tired of people minimizing the effect this can have on someone. I am trying to get it in perspective. Hopefully new wig (a more, Tatum) will help. I really dont look great with middle part but reviews were great. Hopefully I can wear it for a length of time. I'm due to start a new job this week. I do not feel attractive in my current wigs. Wearing glasses is painful as well. Do they go under wig or over? Still trying to figure that out. I do not wish to go el-naturel. Yes, could be way worse. I wonder how people cope with severe diseases. The saying. " its only hair" comes into play. Well for the rest of my life I have to face being a bald Women. Not fun. I too will miss my hair till the day I die. At least this occurred in the winter. Perhaps by summer I can get good enough wigs. I'm not looking forward to Spring for first time in my life. Working in an old folks home I see the elderly sporting a full head of hair!! Oh well. Better get used to this. Hopefully I'll be led to the right wig that works for me. So far $2000 dollars and not happy yet. Oh well thanks for listening..hope to hear back from you and compare notes, feelings, etc.
Comment by Dianna 845 on February 19, 2016 at 10:23pm
That's Androgenic. Alopecia!


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