Cam e across this interesting article:

I'd like you guys to read and share your thoughts..
Is the "alopecic community" becoming far too inward looking and ultimately resigned to its fate?
Is there a sort of "cottage industry" catering to us that secretly doesnt want us to do anything about it?

I mean, why the hell is there so little research going on and why is it that the millions with alopecia still do not stand up for their cause?

Views: 478

Comment by Lindsay on October 29, 2011 at 4:33pm
Great article. I agree with many points he makes. And there is no research because it is not a sickness. There is no health risks. Same reason insurance won't cover wigs for people with alopecia. It's cosmetic. To someone who does not have this condition, they do not understand the emotional devastation and life altering effects it has on people. Would standing up really make "them" pay to research something they don't believe is important?
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on October 29, 2011 at 5:46pm
Well acne is cosmetic and insurance pays (usually) for drugs to clear it up. I saw a story recently on TV about 3 young people with just terrible acne issues and it devestated their self esteem. Then there are people with just awful teeth - and yet if you do not have a special dental plan you can forget coverage to fix them. I guess teeth are deemed cosmetic. I guess my point is I still have no idea why insurance covers some things but not others when all are medical in nature. They will pay to treat the depression associated with hair loss but not for wigs. I am not sure that standing up would make more dollars be allocated to funding research for a cure - I still think most of those dollars will go to cure life threatening diseases and I personally think they should. I think the best bet for a cure will be from funding private research and from corporate greed in coming up with a drug that will treat the symptom. Drug companies have no incentive to cure hair loss - they need repeat clients in MHO.
Comment by Nachiketa Sanyal on October 30, 2011 at 12:17am
I can't imagine how difficult life must be for school kids suffering from alopecia.. call it a disease or condition it is surely an anomality and people who want it fixed (I;m sure that's an overwhelming majority of people with alopecia) should have the means and way to do it.
Surely if Governments around the world can spend trillions of dollars on wars/nuclear weapons, etc, they can allocate a few million dollars for alopecia research. I don' t think any excuse is good enough.
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on October 30, 2011 at 9:57am
I agree that it needs to be fixed - totally - I was just saying I don't think relying on government funds is going to be enough.
Comment by R0BB on November 1, 2011 at 9:57am
Hiya Sanyal -

You wrote "I'd like you guys to read and share your thoughts.. "

Run a search here on AW in the Blogs and Discussions regarding this Global Mission thing.
You'll find alot of opinion ...including mine.

Pyramid schemes seem more credible.


Comment by Eliza alisa abgail on November 1, 2011 at 11:43am
well.... you have the choices in your life whether you have hair or not.... whether you do nothing or something has to come from you.Its your life. Doctors are people just like you if you wanted to be a doctor you could be one and cure this condition. If you want to change the world then change it... I never resigned my fate to just sitting down. Nor will I complain about how hard my life is with alopecia. And I WILL change the world and I am going to do it. My way
Comment by Nachiketa Sanyal on November 1, 2011 at 12:32pm
Ok.. I just wish GAM all the bet with their research..
It'll be great if they can manage to come up with something.
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on November 2, 2011 at 6:09pm
Jayne, I do think he has a point about independent research, and funding for it - that being said the longer he waits to publish what he believed helped him cure his AU - the more he and his organization will be thought to be a scam. And yes, I do think there is a whole industry that would be jobless if a cure or effective treatments were found for hair loss - that is why I think drug companies will never find a cure only treatments - and I am fine with that - I just want my hair back.
Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on November 2, 2011 at 10:16pm
OK I can see the point but then why almost 'taunt' people that he has a cure that worked for him but will not share it - it is almost how it feels. He should in my opinion remove that as the focus of his website and focus on raising money for a cause he knows needs to be addressed and cured. His whole blog about how he was AU for so many years and in just a few weeks was able to cure it should be done away with - he needs to focus on the fact that he is trying to raise awareness to demand a cure - I think he would have a much better and broad ranging acceptance if he did so.
Comment by Eliza alisa abgail on November 3, 2011 at 5:20am
how can one be sure that all funding will go to alopecia research and not his pocket? How will you prove that he is his intentions are really good? where is his research on alopecia? so far its been talk.... I want action..... Not words.


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