I'm thrilled that the courier Post a New Jersey newspaper has run a feature in their health/wellness section in today's newspaper about Alopecia.

I contacted them in the hopes they'd do a piece talking about alopecia and the Musician's Alopecia Project Benefit I organized raising funds for the Children's Alopecia Project taking place September 16, 2011 at World Cafe Live! in Philadelphia.

I'm very excited they did such a great job on the piece. As well, the Honorable Mayor Michael A. Nutter of Philadelphia (where I live) proclaimed September 16, 2011 the date of the Benefit "Alopecia Awareness Day in Philadelphia".

The word is getting out there, one step at a time, but its getting out there. I'm glad to have had some success in contributing to this. Miles to go my friends, miles to go.

Read Courier Post Article: http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20110905/LIVING03/30905000...

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