So. I'm turning 20 in two days.
a few weeks ago i thought my hair stopped falling out around the patch, finally..
i was stoked!
but i guess i was terribly wrong... the last few days it's been falling out around the bottom like crazy!

i decided to stop using the fluocionide steroid cream... i have a gut feeling that it may be the cause.
i haven't developed any new patches or thinning... but what's next? what's the score here? when is my hair gonna stop falling out? and what can i do to help it out?

after doing hours of research on thing that might help i started going tanning (first time) because i litereally thrive on sun & it's been cold/gray here in MI for the last two months it seems... it gives me a boost of energy. i've been tired as hell!!!
i just bought some vitmins; hoping they'll help. I started doing pilates & bellydancing. just to get my muscles and everything flowing.

the whole stress thing, i dont get it!
im not stressed out! never really have been!! even through all of this i've kept my optimism up.
but now im starting to really wonder...

so i have some questions that maybe you can all help me out with:
did you ever use the steroid creams.. and did they make it worse or better? or better... than worse? or what's your story with them?
and: please give me any story, information, remedies, anything that might've worked for you...

i'm turning my hair into a science project.

Views: 1721

Comment by Christie on February 2, 2009 at 9:13am
Hi Tat,

Alopecia is a very strange thing! Although some say that stress can be a causing has not been proven. It is an autoimmune disease. It is thought that stress can trigger it - I know that when I get in an argument with my boyfriend...I see a few more spots starting. It's so hard to determine exactly why this is happening. I have heard that your thyroid can cause hair loss - so if you haven't already...I suggest getting some blood work done. Also, my dermatologist has told me that low iron can cause hair loss. I had blood work done, which came back showing that my iron was depleted...I have started taking iron supplements - will it help???? Who knows!!
I am currently using Clobetasol steriod cream. I started noticing red spots within my hairless patches, and started to become afraid that I was reacting to the cream - or that I had the scarring alopecia.
I just saw my dermatologist on Saturday to have him inspect my head - which is now easier to see since I've shaven my head. And he confirmed that I did not have the scarring alopecia...I was happy to hear that.
He also noted that he can see regrowth in 95% of the patches on my head - particularly the first one (which is the biggest). The hair is white (or gray - not sure) but I also am showing dark hair coming to the surface. He said that things are looking really good - and he can't believe the results after only 3 weeks of using the cream.
Perhaps it's just my body - as most people have said that the hair will do what it wants...maybe mine has just decided to grow.
But things seem to be working. Even though I have several small patches, and will probably develop seems that my body is accepting the treatment.
I am hoping that I will not require the injections - as they kind of scare me.

From the sounds of it seem to be doing everything that you need to be doing to be/remain healthy. But the biggest thing I have found is to not let the hair loss consume you. This is the reason I shaved my head - I was tired of watching it fall out...and took control of it. Now all I can focus on is watching it come back...since I can't watch it fall out anymore. The minute I was able to let go of the negativity losing my hair brought...I felt so much better. Your mind is so powerful, and is basically bigger than any medication.
I hope that my story has helped with your journey in finding some answers!

Keep your chin up!!
Comment by tat on February 2, 2009 at 10:29am
thankyou for sharing your jouney with me!
im not really self-conscience about my hair still falling out. i'm a pretty open person & i've told all my friends.
they can't see my spot, because i still cover it up... but they've seen it it. they all ask how im doing with it and i just tell them everything is fine, because it is.
i did get the steroid injections & i have to say it's a pretty cool feeling, haha. maybe im weird. i did get a few red imflamed bumps where they did the injections... but the steroid cream is just making my hair feel nasty and it still falls out a tiny tad everyday so i decided to stop using it. i hate pharmaceuticals!
im pretty sure my hair is growing back. my hair dresser told me she can see my hair coming back in. white & gray but there's black underneath the surface trying to push up.
i did use some sheer & sheen hairdye a few months ago and i still think that it may be what triggered it all in the first place. the dye was really concentrated and i think i left it in for two long... it was the first time i dyed my hair in four years... that & wearing super tight pony tails.
but yeah the steroid cream.
i know a lot of people with skin problems that use pretty much the same stuff. it helps, but then they get another outbreak somewhere else on their body... so im just gonna stay away, haha.

but thankyou again for sharing your words. it is much appreciated :)


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