These last few months i've been dealing with the fact that i have alopecia areata which has been a challange but everyday it seems to get a little bit easier for me. But i do have to admit its been real hard for me being 16 years old and having to face this throughout high school. My grades are really going down from all the worring and stress hopefully i pass my classes so that i can pass the classes. I'm always smiling and laughing as though my world is perfect but i just cant fake it anymore its so hard to have to deal with this on top of school considering that im a A student and will be first to graduate and attend college in my family. They all look up to me so much and i would hate to be a dissapointment. I just dont know what to do anymore. Ugh!

Views: 26

Comment by green on March 7, 2012 at 9:16pm

Awww, hang in there, Tiaira. You are stronger than you know. Don't let the AA keep you from realizing your potential. I am here for you if you need a friend :)


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