This is a funny story:

I was at the grocery checkout when a gentleman on staff came up to me and said "survivor?" I looked at him and said "survivor?" then we just looked at each other... you see I was preparing for my father's birthday celebration and I was so focused on getting everything that I needed that I never considered my baldness. As I'm looking at him all I could think of was Survivor the reality show! and what did that have to do with me? He didn't know me and I don't know him. After an awkward moment I finally clued in and said "oh no I don't have cancer I'm healthy as a horse" he resonse was "well I was just going to tell you that everything would be Ok" so sweet of him to say. So I went on to explain that it was Alopecia and that it was my immune system causing my loss of hair, ending with funny huh? His reply "no not really". You see, we don't see ourselves as being bald, at least I don't, but it's nice to know that people do care enough to take the time and give us encouragement. Now if he only would have helped me go over the grocery list just one more time :)

Views: 10

Comment by Amber on June 16, 2011 at 7:10pm
I do that often, too. It's kind of like I forget that I am bald and sometimes it takes me a while to realize what they are referring to. My most recent experience was a man coming up with to me and asking if I'm winning. I thought to myself, "Winning what??" Lol It took me a couple seconds to realize what he meant.

I like your perspective. I constantly have people asking me things like that and I always tell them that no I don't have cancer, I'm fine and then explain the Alopecia. I've never really stopped to think that they are showing that they care. I usually just get embarrassed that they think I am sick.
Comment by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 17, 2011 at 9:26am
Are you winning? Boy that really would have thrown me for a loop, I doubt I would have clued in at all!


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