I’m now sporting a shiny, new, completely bald head.

It’s an interesting feeling, part elation mixed with shock, but not, I’m happy to report, an ounce of regret. Since my alopecia had progressed to the point of almost entire baldness, I decided to forgo the remaining few weeks of hair loss for a fully shaved head.

However, I hadn’t considered the logistics. First off, how exactly does a 34 year old woman go about shaving her head? Do I use my husband’s electric razor? The disposals I normally use on my legs? Do I use shaving crème? And secondly, what if I nick my scalp? What if I get razor burn? These are questions I once believed I’d live my entire life without asking.

In the end, my husband used his electric trimmer to get rid of some of the longer pieces while I held my head over our bathroom sink, and I used my shaving crème and disposal razor for the rest. I was surprised at how difficult it was to shave it in places where I still had some hair growth. And, I did end up cutting myself in a couple of small places. Also, my scalp was dry and itchy afterwards, so I applied moisturizer.

The end result looks and feels kind of cool. Once I got past the initial shock of my reflection in the mirror, I don’t look half bad as a bald woman. The scalp feels really smooth, and I can’t seem to stop myself from running my hand over it.

Most importantly, for the first time since I noticed my first spot in January, I’m in control. I don’t have to worry about when my hair will finally stop falling out, because it’s gone. All of it.

Views: 12

Comment by Roslyn on June 8, 2010 at 10:18pm
Comment by Galena on June 8, 2010 at 10:52pm
Good for you Nadine! Welcome to the Sisterhood, you look great. Whether you decide to go out in public bald or not, I admire how you took charge of your hair loss proactively. I had a long lamentation over the loss, holding on for way too long before shaving. So enjoy your no maintenance look; summer is a great season to be bald, but don't forget the sunscreen.
Comment by Mary on June 8, 2010 at 10:56pm
Congratulations! Your description matches my experience exactly....that feeling of control is so wonderful after months of watching the bald areas expand and picking up more and more hair off the floor. F

I put moisturizer all over - Lubriderm - same think I use on my face. For the 3 months or so I still had patches of hair to shave, before I was AU, I just shaved it with shaving cream in the shower. I did it by touch, running my hand and then the razor over my scalp.
Comment by Petra on June 9, 2010 at 2:30am
Congratulations! You look good in your new look. Keep smiling :-)
Oh BTW I like cetaphil cream, I use it all over.
Comment by Somaaya on June 9, 2010 at 5:17am
Congratulations !!!


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