Teach Your Children Well; An Alopecian in the World, Still.

I went on vacation. I was lucky. My Aunt put together a family reunion cruise. A cruise to Bermuda. A 5-day cruise. I roomed with my twin sister, which is an extra bonus - sister time together.

This was my first cruise. We boarded and went through customs, and met up in the dining room for lunch. It was served buffet style. I've never seen so much food in my life. I was sitting at the table as all of the family met up.

A table next to us, a large family with about 4 children, 3 girls, 1 boy, mother, father and perhaps an aunt. The smallest child, about 6 years old yells out "Look Daddy", while pointing at me, bald-headed me.

I anticipated a "that's not nice, you should not point, apologize" or an "I'm sorry" from the parents. I got neither. Being the bigger person I smiled and said to her "I'll bet you've never seen a bald headed lady before..." The mother says "oh, her grandfather's bald..." and my response was "her grandfather's supposed to be bald, he's an old man".

This child acted this way because her parents act this way; I don't have a doubt in my mind.

I was taught when I was a child that pointing at some thing or some one was "rude" and that I was never to do it. I have become comfortable and accustomed to being bald, I have forgotten that I am hair-less on my head. Walking around the ship, many a time I wondered "why is everyone staring at me?" Oh yeah, I'm bald, I'm not supposed to be bald. One tires of smiling, of being the "bigger person". I reached a point that I'd stare back and they'd stop. I'm 6 ft. tall; with my heels, I'm about 6'2". They'd stop staring, alright.

On the beach in Bermuda a woman walks up to me, a total stranger, and she asks "when was your last chemo treatment?". I responded "excuse me?" as those were words I am not used to hearing. She repeated her q

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