Thanks to everyone who has sent me a message of welcome to Alopecia World. I know I'm going to feel 'at home' here.

Now all I have to do is find a way to support my sons who seem to have been affected by my alopecia more than I have! My oldest is worried that I might become ill again as Lupus is ever present. He was quite young when my illness was at its worst and it was a traumatic experience for all of us.

My youngest (who wasn't even a twinkle in my husband's eye during my last big Lupus flare and I've been relatively well since) has no idea what is happening. He is just horrified that my hair is randomly disappearing and wants me to keep my head covered up - but he's a teenager and everything I do embarrasses him. I enjoy being a tease and threatening to show his friends when they come to visit. The look on his face when I tell him tickles me to my core! If you believe, as I do, that there is nothing that is all bad and nothing that is all good (as with ying and yang) then that is the good thing about my alopecia - being able to give me a good belly laugh at my teenage son's expense! It certainly cheers me up every time I think of it.

I think, like me, he just doesn't like this in-between stage. I still have hair but just not all over my head. I don't yet feel it's time to take everything off so I'm in this in-between space and I think my youngest would rather me be one or the other - have hair or don't have hair - all or nothing. It's that clear cut when you're young. I'm still hanging on to my comb overs and cover ups but, having looked at some of the pictures on this site, I'm beginning to feel more confident about taking it all off. I only hope I'll look as good. It's scary though and I'm still resisting. I know that it's what I'll eventually end up doing, but maybe I'll hang on for a bit longer...

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Comment by JeffreySF on April 5, 2009 at 3:36pm
Hang in there Julie.
I like your attitude.


Comment by Stephanie on April 6, 2009 at 8:09pm
Hi Julie
All I can say is take things at your own pace. I was hanging onto my last piece of hair for a long time. WHen I finally cut it off it was freeing, but I admit I still miss my hair. Good luck with everything. This site has helped my bunches too! Welcome!!


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