This morning a member of Alopecia World raised the important question, "Why are all the featured members or members on the Main Page always from the same selective groupings?"

After noting that the current list of featured members is predominantly female and includes a model, an actress, the "drop dead gorgeous," a stylized photo shoot, a promoter of alopecia awareness, a motivational speaker, and an author, the member also asked "Why are others excluded?" and concluded, "It seems beauty and position always take precedence. That's life, folks, and I accept it! LOL"

In response, it must be pointed out that the list of featured members on the homepage is not "always from the same selective groupings." In fact, the list has changed several times since we launched the site in March of this year.

Recently, for example, it featured the latest new new members of Alopecia World, but we changed this because too many new members don't immediately post a profile photo when they joined.

The list has also featured several other members of various backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, ages, and physical appearance.

For a long while, it even featured non-profit organizations like Bald Girls Do Lunch, the Children's Alopecia Project, and the National Alopecia Areata Registry.

Therefore, although the list presently features some members with "celebrity status," other members are not and have not been "excluded" in the negative, discriminatory sense.

It's simply a list that changes quite often and for various reasons at the discretion of the founders and management of Alopecia World.

If you would like to suggest a member who's profile should be featured, please feel free to send a message to either founder of Alopecia World -- Cheryl or rj.

Grateful for your understanding
and cooperation in this matter,

richard jones (rj) & Cheryl Carvery
Founders, Alopecia World

Views: 8

Comment by Trina on October 23, 2008 at 10:11am
I am not a celebrity and have been on the featured member list on more than one occasion. I have also seen people who were just regular members. I think that they include people who are trying to make a positiive impact on people on this site. I would hope that you dont feel that way. It is all love on this site.
Comment by jamie1 on October 23, 2008 at 11:03am
Great response to this , guys. I found that blog posting very unfair to you and, personally, hurtful to members.
Comment by Nan on October 23, 2008 at 11:16am
ALWAYS someone that has negative thoughts. We just don't go there! This site brings love, joy and information to those of us that chose, everyday, to go out and face the world and try to make it a better place! Not only for ourselves,but for all that have AA(etc..) IT'S NOT ABOUT A PICTURE!!!!
Comment by Leon Johnson on October 23, 2008 at 11:19am
I think the featured part of the site is fine the way it is. I've been featured on there for a hot minute but I don't mind. It's just nice to have a place to vent, learn and meet others going through some of the same things you're going through. Amen.
Comment by Mandy on October 23, 2008 at 1:00pm
Hmm...Dom sounds like you have your own issue of self acceptance to tend to. I don't mean that to be in anyway rude. Just saying...I'm sure no one would want to "bury you in a dark room" because of your looks. I think it's important to be proud of who you are inside and out. Posting an all black square as your photo might not be the most positive example for people to follow. Please don't take offense to my comment. Just trying to help.

Also, I'm just a regular Joe and have been on the featured members thingy.
Comment by Carol on October 23, 2008 at 1:22pm
I have also posted this on Dom's blog:
" Apart from being female, I do not fall into any other category you've specified and I was, at one time, a featured member of AW. Seeing as we've recently had alopecia awareness month, I can understand why the developers would select people with some celebrity status. Their pictures may look very proffesional however they are people just like us and just because they are doing something inspirational with their lives doesn't make them any better, prettier or happier than we can be. Like Abraham Lincoln once said "People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be." Clearly you need to focus on your own strengths rather than be bitter about everyone else's. "
And in response to being told I am wrong about Dom's bitterness about this: you also clearly need to learn how to listen. Perhaps you would like to put up a better picture of yourself and then maybe you'll get your fifteen minutes too!
Comment by CSue on October 23, 2008 at 11:10pm
No complaints here - I think you guys are doing a fine job. In fact, I'd rather my page NOT be featured (LOL). Can I put in a request for that? ;-)
Comment by Mari on October 24, 2008 at 11:16am
I don't think it is necessarily the "people on the bleachers" Dom. As in everything some people are the go getters and some people are the more reserved, and there is nothing wrong with that. I honestly don't care who is featured and who isn't. I think that is taking away the whole point of our group that Cheryl and rj have been able to bring together. I am 38 and Alopecia appeared when I was 17. It has been a long lonely road until now, I have never known or even met anyone who has any form of it. And I thank God that I found y'all. Isn't the reason for us to all have support and friends????? Beyond that is just sounds selfish and yes, I agree bitter, to complain who gets to be seen
Comment by JeffreySF on October 25, 2008 at 1:00pm
I dont know if I have ever been a "Featured Member" or not.
I think I do enough of that on my own.

Comment by eddie opitz jr on October 25, 2008 at 4:23pm
Just knowing there is an alopecia world out there makes me happy and also, of course, made this bump in the road of life a little smoother. Keep up the terrific work.


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