At times we wonder, what is the purpose of our lives?
Why are we all here? What should our life achieve?
Why few people are referred as 'Great'?
Who told them their purpose of Life?

Then we try to search the purpose of our existence.
And in some time, we give up. We tell ourselves, "I'm here just to Live!"

No human is ever born with an objective.
One needs to define the purpose of his life.

Views: 1

Comment by Joshua on July 29, 2009 at 2:37am

This is a very very interesting subject but probably controversial also because it would involves in the discussion of beliefs. Without going into details, in short I would to say that "to know our purpose in life, we should know where we are from and where we are going to...

Two general set of believes of mankind=

NO-GOD (Belief):

GOD (Belief~ Monotheism beliefs in general):

And the end of the day, the ultimate answer can only come from us, with the belief in a God or No-God or Many God...etc. It is up to us to define our destiny, our purpose in life, the choice is in our hand. Thats all I have to say for now. Thank you



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