Well, quite frankly; I am feeling terrible. Last night me and the mirror had a long talk. My head has been shaved for a while and new hairs are starting to pop out. BUT. Of course they just fall right out again. Lets top that off with my eyelashes falling out and following after my eyebrows. I am really discouraged with this disease. Most of the time I am really positive and try my best to keep my chin up. This is just getting so hard. I have plenty of support from my family and my fiance, it just never seems to be enough. Especially now that i'm noticing subtle personality changes.
Such as; I usually am an alright kind of people person, now i never look for conversation, nor do I try to keep one going. I have been looking away from people when talking with them and absolutely HATE getting into conversations about my Alopecia. I'm just so tired of the pitiful glances and the "aww's", "Don't worries." and of course the, "it'll grow backs." I DON'T KNOW IF IT WILL GROW BACK. I AM WORRIED. People telling me not to worry should shut up, they have no clue what im going through and if they were going through this they'd be worried too reguardless of what others say.

I just am so frustrated.


Views: 19

Comment by Tallgirl on October 16, 2010 at 4:06pm
People will believe and treat someone what the person TEACHES them to believe. If you are down, they will pity. If you pretend to be up and put on the brave-yet-private face, with some humor thrown in, they will not tiptoe around you any more. Teach them to treat you differently by acting like you are already the person you wish to be. It especially helps on the job; you can just go on like a regular person. And normal people do not have to talk about private body issues all day...or at all. Avoid those who, after you tell them "No more about my alopecia!", continue to engage you in things that bring you down. Find the loving folk who help you smile and make you feel special and cherished.

People who are just into bodies, make-up and hair will be stuck there all their lives, or until they get some surprise to jolt them out of it (accident, medical condition, etc.). People who value inner traits and strengths have the potential to make real, lasting friendships. Which would you choose for the next 50 years? This thought may help you to seek out new groups.
Comment by Tiffany P on October 16, 2010 at 4:18pm
Tottally understand the frustration, and frankly i shut them down when they say things like that by telling them that unless they went or are going thru the same situation i would rather they save it. i understand that people are just trying to be postive or whatever but lets face it in the early beginnings of this we are frantic and depressed and mad and frankly tired of watching our hair fall out and because its something everyone can see it makes it worse because you have people that say and ask some really dumb things. BUT as time goes by you will learn how to handle the comments and the questions and you will realize that your stronger then you think. i am not saying not to be sad, upset,worried,frustrated,mad, and emotionally tired what i'm saying is dont let this rob you of your life. we are here for you and though i may not have the right words to comfort you i get where your coming from.
Comment by Rachel Rei on October 16, 2010 at 4:50pm
Thank you. I appreciate all the comments I get, they make me feel so much better.
Comment by Rachel Rei on October 16, 2010 at 10:02pm
Hahaha! I'm going to have to use that at work tomorrow. That was great. :]
Comment by Lee on October 17, 2010 at 5:16am
losing lashes is probably the worst part of this, Im sorry!! that being said, if you use liner, no one will know the difference. There are also false lashes you can use. They take awhile to learn how to apply, but plenty of people on here can help you, including myself! Rememeber, alopecia only effects your outside, if you can learn new tricks to make yourself look how YOU want to look and feel confident, YOU WIN!
Comment by Tiffany P on October 17, 2010 at 9:11am
you know whats craxy is how things go in cycles or how things change. my mom back in the 70's or 80's i think said it was the thing to shave or wax your eyebrows off and pencil them in and she did that now her eye brows are really thin but its crazy how things go in and out of style.
Comment by Rachel Rei on October 17, 2010 at 11:51pm
Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate your opinions. I'm fairly good with make up so no one even noticed my lack of eyelashes. It is definitely something im not used to. I have perked up a lot sense I wrote this.


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