This is negative. If you're looking for something more positive, don't read!

Im finding this harder the longer it goes on
Im sick of the looks i get,
Im sick of doctors telling that my problem is in my head and that other people dont notice,
im sick of having to not draw attention to myself
" " " not having confidence
having to explain that its not cancer
sweating,ie my hair on my head used to absorb it, now if im doing any sort of work or if someone asks an awkward question which makes me fluster and get hot under the collar the sweat beads and runs straight down my forehead which is very embarrasing and makes me look like i sweat profously which i dont its just that there is no hair to stop it beading and running
im sick of not being able to go to the gym
im sick of always being the oddest one out
people with no problems always goin on about them
getting special treatment,its only out of pity
im sick of my reflection
im sick of kids asking me whats wrong
im sick of the fact i cant really create an expression with my face and eyebrows anymore
im sick of the fact that i hate how i look in photos,such a strained smile but you can always see the sadness in the eyes
im sick of just being sad,if i never had hair i probably wouldn't mind as much but the fact i had it for 25 years and am the type of person who when i had it would have been the fucker making the remarks.(my own worst enemy)
im sick of smart arsed psychologists who went through school with excellent grades, collage with the tag of being a psychologist ,probably never had to worry about women or money or ever had any real confidence issues,How is a guy like that supposed to give me advice on my life which is constructed upon a completly different set of experiences which he probably has no experience of?
Im sick of writing this
im sick of the guilt of having to drag my girlfriend through this
Im sick of not having a plan
im sick of hating myself and this weight,its actually causing me to hunch over
im sick of knowing there is no god and nothing after death cause it makes the argument to stay alive less convincing
sick of it all -sick of it all the song just sprung to mind
im sick of wondering do i need help because of my lack of confidence in myself,ive done this drug and not too much drink free and have only been to one psychologist whom i really didn't like- im actually proud of this
im sick of worrying my poor mother,im her only son and i can see the heartbreak in her face
im sick of my poor old man through this he is old school and really doesn;t know what to say but tries anyway
Im sick of scaring off my sis's potentiat boyfriends
Just fuckin sick of it ,everything i want i cant have because it draws attention to me which just doesn't work for a fella with no eyebrows
im sick of people on this site being so fukin positive,here i am again second guessing myself. am i wrong for not being able to see any positives to this or is everyone who gives out about this blog just fooling themselves and looking for a light .
I understand everyone will deal with their alopica differently, i obviously havent dealt with mine. I will also agree that i need someone to help me But i want someone who has had experience with alopecia on a personal level to treat me which i haven't came across yet. This blog is of the darker nature and i offer no apologies to anyone whom it depressed or offended ,im just saying whats on my mind and if you can relate to that great- or not so,i dont know anymore

Views: 136

Comment by Joshua on February 26, 2011 at 11:51pm
Hi Pat,

Thank you for sharing. It is always good to be able to vent your frustration on alopecia. Everyone of us are entitled to be angry with alopecia, because alopecia doesnt come "by choice" but rather "by default". So, its okay to be angry at alopecia but not so okay to be angry with ourselves because we didnt choose to have alopecia.

Instead of using the word "sick" and changed it to "tired" and you'll realize that you just need some time to relax, a holiday or doing something that you like.

I totally agree with you on the things you mentioned in your blog. Sometimes I'm too tired to explain about alopecia, too tired of being stared I would vent my frustration occasionally, especially if you see me talking to myself in the car, because it can be when I am "protesting'' at the passenger or drivers when we stopped at the traffic light, that they should pay me if they want to continue pointing fingers or staring at me... because even the animals in the zoo are paid/fed for being "stared" or "pointed at!!!!!!"

I was once told that the "Best things in life are free"...for example, after a weary, stressful day at work and then being stared or pointed at while on the way back to home... and you reach the door step and opened the door... you can see your dog rushing towards all excited like it has not seen you for ages, and you smell great aroma of meal being prepared by your beautiful girlfriend in the kitchen...AND it is not a bad idea in the future when you come home, your kids (with or without hair) rushing towards you and fighting the way through with your dog just to give you hugs, kisses and greet you...

Knowing that being how sick alopecia can be in the society and how others perceive you ... alopecia is not sick enough to invade into a home full of love and comfort, home a place where everyone love each other and all love God.

Remember, there are always people be it family or friends, lovely pets who love us just the way we are, regardless of ho
Comment by Joshua on February 26, 2011 at 11:54pm
....regardless of how much hair we have or not have :)
Comment by Mary on February 27, 2011 at 1:27am
Pat, sometimes I think it's so unfair that bald guys don't get a second look in public, but children scream after me "Mommy, that lady doesn't have any hair!" I get angry sitting in a restaurant where there are six or seven bald men, and NO one comes to their table to tell them they had cancer, etc...but they do come up to me. I see sexy leading men in TV shows who are bald, but NEVER a bald woman on a show who isn't a suffering cancer patient. I hate it and wish I could just once run into another bald woman in public who I didn't already know!

BUT, I also tell my friends that it must be really difficult for guys with AA who lose their eyebrows and lashes because they can't just wear makeup or get permanent makeup the way we gals can. I could "pass" for someone without AA if I were able to stand to wear a wig (I can't), and with my eye makeup. A bald man who has lost his "eye hair" can't.

I also know of guys with AA who wear glasses that have dark frames and this helps mask the fact that they don't have eyebrows...if they don't need vision correction, they wear plain glass.

I've had to learn to just not give a flying .... what people think. I hate not having hair, but I refuse to let this take my life away.

I'm rambling. Hope these responses help.


I think it was Jeffrey from SF who posted some nice pics of his masculine-looking eyebrow tattoos. Maybe you could look at that possibility? If you had some natural-looking, eyebrow tattoos, you could go with the bald look the same way so many men do. You're not alone out there - there are bald men all over the place and in the movies and on TV. That's something, isn't it?
Comment by Mary on February 27, 2011 at 1:37am
Pat, I just looked at your photos after posting what I just wrote. I hope you don't mind if I'm brutally honest with you...I assume you don't mind since that's what you were when you wrote your blog.

Damn it, look absolutely GREAT, and "NORMAL" except for the fact you lack eyebrows. You don't look so different from so many men out there all the time. Get some male-appropriate eyebrow tattoos! They don't have to be dark...there are men with very pale eyebrows.

I would give anything to be able to blend in as well as you already can, even without eyebrows. Bald men are a dime a dozen...they're EVERYWHERE! Bald women? my blog about my recent experiences in Indonesia where a crowd gathered and took photos of me and laughed and pointed.

I'm not saying you don't have difficulties, but you CAN blend in way more than bald women can. You look like a buff, handsome bald guy, just like any number of Hollywood stars. How many bald actresses can you name (other than the woman in the first Star Trek movie who was, after all, an alien?)

GET EYEBROW TATTOOS, and get on with your life as a bald man, something that thanks to so many bald men going out in public you can do. I fanticize that some day women will have the same possibility.

Get very light colored tattoos at first. They are permanent and can always be darkened or increased.

Maybe try temporary tattoos first to see if you like the look.

Hang in there. You have way too much going for you to let this disease be in control.

Comment by Lorna on February 27, 2011 at 11:35am
I love your honesty! I guess it's good to say how you truly feel and allow yourself to feel that and not judge yourself for it. I have gone through different feelings and levels of acceptance and hating my alopecia at different times. I think it is extra hard when not accepting the alopecia (that's where I have realised I am most recently) to also have that exposed to others. Most people hide the things they don't accept in themself whether it be visual or a personality trait. Alopecia makes that near impossible. I have no words of encouragement except that your feelings may change and I feel for you in the way the alopecia affects you...
Comment by Phyllis Tankel on February 27, 2011 at 12:53pm
Pat, your post really resonated with me because my son, who is 19, struggles with the same issues you do. He is tortured and I'm amazed that he can find the energy to put one foot in front of the other. He is away at college and is doing well with school but he feels deeply and utterly alone even when he is at parties or with friends. He has not one hair on his body and the staring and comments are so horrible. I try so hard to bolster him but the truth is I will never understand what he is living with. I would gladly switch places with him so that he can feel normal. And for all the people who urge acceptance and say that it's other people's problem, I say great that you can feel that way but not everyone can. I agree that bald men are sexy but my son first got alopecia when he was 14 and no way is a little 14 year old "sexy" in any way. And that image is burned into his brain so the self esteem is zero. At 19 I was going out all the time, flirting with boys--and maybe a little more than flirting sometime--but I see my kid with no girls in his social life and I know it will be an extraordinary young woman who will make him feel accepted and loved. I don't know if that person even exists. I hope that when he is older it might be easier but I think he feels doomed. His life has not been normal for 5 years now it's a new kind of normal. But what kind of job is he going to get? Why would anyone choose this strange looking person over so many other qualified people who don't get stared at? The only saving grace is that his doctor also has alopecia so he has someone to talk to who does understand first hand. Still, it's liberating to read your comments and I appreciate your sharing your truths since they are the truths of so many people.
Comment by Angie on February 27, 2011 at 2:00pm
@Phyllis- You made a true and strong statement , when a young boy lose his year he is not sexy in no way. I understand why your son is feeling so bad. I read somewhere that it's easier for women, because we can wear wigs and feel okay about it. It's hard for men to wear a wig and move on. Well I pray your son will be able to one day find the confidence he needs. God Bless
Comment by dannii on February 27, 2011 at 4:05pm
Hi Pat, I agree totally with Dominique, you are hot!! You have a beautiful girlfriend, cute dog and awesome car!! I too love my Merc sl's. Swapped to a porsche 911, but will now be moving on to SL again. Anyway, changing the subject, you have every right to get down from time to time and have a runt, but truth is, stuff your work collegues, you are gorgous, get out there and live life! You have a beautiful women and if you have children you will be surrounded by unconditional love. To me you look great, so strutt your stuff, get out there and live. Stuff other people who don't matter, what matter's is you and your girl. Hope you find strength. :-))
Comment by dannii on February 27, 2011 at 4:06pm
p.s. Pat, bald men are sexy!!
Comment by Phyllis Tankel on February 27, 2011 at 4:26pm
Thank you Angie. I have felt so supported by this group. Even though this is not happening to me, I am tortured by my son's torment. Thank you for your prayers and for taking the time to respond to me.


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