This monday I got off of work and decided to take a shower. As I went to brush my hair I noticed a bald spot on the right side of my head about the size of my hand underneath the top portion of my hair. The only thought in my head was that my boyfriend decided to shave my head while I was sleeping as a joke. Believe me when I tell you that I came unglued and yelled at him.

Of course he did no such thing. I immediatley went to the doctor who tested for Lupas and did a full blood panel. All which came back normal. The doctor kindly told me that I had alopecia cause unknown. Well certaintly that was helpful I thought because I practically googled the answer myself earlier. So I started to tell a few people thinking that it would relieve anxiety and went out and bought some bandanas just in case. It was amazing that as I told a few people they also knew someone else that had it. I even found a lady who has all over her hair back after several years but found out that hers was the cause of increased testostorone in a hormonal imbalance.

I go back and forth with trying to smile and joke about it and then to tears the next. It has only been 5 days and my hair is falling out in alarming rates and has thinned quite a bit. My son who is 7 just got back today from his fathers and I'm trying to pull myself together. I know that the past 5 days I have not taken care of myself properly from being so stressed and I'm bound and determined to just get back to the normal neccesities of life. I'am labeling today as time to heal day for me so that I can focus on knowing that it will be okay no matter the outcome.

Views: 16

Comment by Lexi on August 15, 2010 at 3:03pm
Sarah, It will be ok, no matter what. Be thankful you do not have Lupus..My dr always said it was stress...I still don't believe that. Now finally I am on thyroid meds, but still, I shed, and no re-growth. Gets thinner every day. It does get depressing, but life goes on, I put on a baseball cap and get on with the day. Florida being too hot for wig wearing during the heat of the day. I feel pretty in wigs, but I feel the whole world is staring at me, as well. So self-conscious..funny my dr wanted me to take testostorone...I said no way...I surely cannot afford it, and I don't want to mess with hormones...scares me...I also don't want a beard and hair on my chest and back, thank you very much...just on my noggin' !
Comment by Tallgirl on August 15, 2010 at 5:29pm
This is truly grieving the loss of a body part, which counselors and doctors do not seem to get. Ministers may get it, I don't know. I sometimes think we need to go to support groups for people who lose limbs if we can't find alopecia groups, because this grief is very real and can't be passed off lightly when it first hits us (and so suddenly, sometimes, without an accident or hurricane to explain it away). Our loved ones don't know what to do, have never seen this, try to see if THEY passed on the genes (or deny it if they guess so correctly), or come up with clumsy platitudes. I think you are wise to take time for yourself. Find a journal to record this journey of emotions. Find songs that help (see my Music Therapy blog), fill your life with sensual things (scents, tastes, textures, calming breezes, loving touches) that you enjoy to remind yourself that you are still you. Stay here with us. This takes time...
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on August 18, 2010 at 7:28pm
About a month ago I found out that I had Alopecia it started as a small spot now its about two inches big. Then another spot showed up last week. I am not a vain person but I am about my hair. I never thought I would greive so much for my hair. I had blood taken and the found nothing wrong the docter said sometimes it just happens. I am not a just happens kind of person I want a explanation to what is going on. Everytime my head starts itching I worry about were the next spot is going to show up. I agree support groups would be a great idea. My family and friends just tell me to stop stressing over it, easy for them to say its not them with bald spots.
Comment by Sarah Schripsema on August 18, 2010 at 8:07pm
Hey kimberly..I know what you mean People have gotten to the point of yelling at me to relax. I have at this point seen a lot of different reactions from my friends and family and it is very intresting and i try to remember that they too just dont know how to deal even though we are the ones that get hit the hardest. I havent had any new spots devlope yet, it has been a week and a half since it first started but the one on the right side of my head is 6 inces wide and 3 inches long. I am unable to pull up my hair without it showing. The top of my head and the under portion by neck have been itching like crazy and I too have that same fear. I also fight back tears as I see my hair falling out around me.

I want answers too but doctors just are what I call poop snots. Mine was very non chalant and had the nerve to say "what a damn shame because you had nice hair" like it was already gone. So im searching for my own answers. ASking for hormone tests and trying to change factors like shampoo, diet and other things that might have contributed. Including stress because I have had a lot for long periods of time in case it is my body reacting to some sort of stress hormone. I wish you well and feel free to message me if you need to talk.
Comment by Sarah Schripsema on August 18, 2010 at 8:09pm
Thank you to the rest who also commented :)
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on August 19, 2010 at 7:06pm
My stress level is very high I tell people on a scale from 1-10 ten being high mine is a 20. I was laid off several months ago. Hormone test is my next step it will be October till I have Health Insurance again so waiting till then so I can hormones checked.. SO my steriod shots which are not cheap are coming out of pocket. i see stuble coming in but from what i see only 50% of the area is showing growth. the worst part is how bad my head itches. the non chalant attitude of the docters makes me mad "it just happens". Not sure if it will make a differance but I have started eating better and trying to take some time to myself even if it 5 minutes out the day. Thank you for the response I am just glad to talk to someone who understands I try talking to my friends and husband and there reponses is get over it its hair and it could be worse it could be a sickness or worse.... Thanks for answering me back
Comment by Sarah Schripsema on August 19, 2010 at 10:01pm
I hate that response!! Everything could be worse is starting to sound like such a cop out from people. Dont get me wrong Im thankful that I get to keep my life and that it's not something very very serious but I was kinda hopeing my 30's would be the better part of my life and certaintly if I had cancer and had 6 months to live someone would tell me oh well atleast you have that long it could be only 2 months. See my point :) Ultimetly I have a really poor support system at home. My relationship was rocky to begin with and this is rocking the boat. So now Im just at a crossroad of where do I go from here. I have never been the type of person not to know what to do. Im currently studying for icu and surgical nursing, trying to save money to move out and have a place of my own, and certaintly feel like everything is comeing to a halt. I'm sure that I will continue on but Im afraid to push my body that hard for fear it will just fall out more. Oh and lets not forget the extreme fatigue that is helping me with that halt. Maybe I will use the its not that bad philosophy for my own coping purposes but I sure do not want to hear it from others who do not have hair loss. ~big Hugs`


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