Hey all, Its been a long time since Ive been on here, sorry all!! Would like to say that I havnt been on for a while because everything has been fab but sadily it hasnt! I have been in hospital =[
It started at the end of november with a bit of sickness, thought I had a sickness bug going around but after 2 week I knew something was wrong so went to doctor and because of the past 2 years of being very poorly they ran test straight away and signed me off work, wasnt too happy but glad they were making sure everything was ok! Test came back ok so i was happy wanted to go back to work but my doctor gave me another week, so i had xmas day off was a nice day with the family but something wasnt right but couldnt put my finger on it... I was fine in the day but at night after lying down for a couple of hours i would wake in pain the sort of pain where you want to chop your body up and cut it out, every night with the pain I started being violently sick after 3 nights I rang the doctor and he said I had a kidney infection and started antibiotics.... after 4 days I was feeling worse being sick with pain constantly, new years eve was ok, then at 2 am new years day I was really ill, became unconscious with pain, thats when my mum new something was very wrong and all the family was woke and rushed me to hospital. who said I had a sliped disc in my spine, sent me home with morphine and a open appointment to have a mir scan... I had booked a scan but was 2 weeks away so kept with the morphine and over the next couple of days the pain went to my hip and i was limping, I just thought it was this disc. Until I went into retention it became 18 hours and I said to my mum do something so she rang me doctor who asked to see me straight away.. my dad carried me to the doctors, as could barely walk... as soon as i got into the doctors room he looked at me and said im admiting you too hospital now, I think you have M.E.. SHOCK or what!! I got to hospital had to wait 3 hours in a sitting room then had every scan going on my spine, they came back clear and was going to send me home, then I tried to stand and I couldnt move my lower body... HELP!!!! I was in a acute ward on my first night and my best friend stayed all night holding my hand making sure I was ok and had a helping hand with a big bag of marshmellows! I got told the next day they were going to do physio and then send me home... then another 7 doctors came and saw me and said they think I have either had a stroke or a brain tumour and needed emergancy treatment... was i scared NO I didnt have time to think about it i was whisked away having treatments.. My family were by my side within 30 minutes I could see the fear in there faces but i just smiled cos I had them no matter what! i got cleared =] and I had a cyst on my spine cleared and took 3 steps 2 weeks later! But I had a very horrible and inconsiderate consultant who said I had a funky hair style I said no it alopecia I wouldnt do this to myself and I thought that was the end of that, but no! He saw me again and said he doesnt believe I have alopecia i have made it all up and i am pulling my hair out ( like i have the time to sit with a pair of tweezers pulling each strand out??) He asked a dermatologist to see me, I was soo angry and cried for hours i was so hurt , my dad came in with a wig that day and I didnt take it off, as if i wasnt in enough discomfort without wearing a wig, but new i needed to. I refused to see my consultant but the nurses allowed my mum to come in when he was with me and when she confronted him he said a load of crap.... if he had look through my notes like they are suposed to do he would of see im under a dermatologist and was having treament. I said I wanted to go home or I would self discharge but he said i needed to be in hospital, I wasnt happy and was being very stuborn. He settled with day release from hospital fri, sat, sun 8am til 10pm I was happy, but it was thursday 4pm so I said can I go home for abit today he agreed, I was out of that bed and in a wheel chair within minutes and off to KFC!!! I got discharged on the monday but had to be nursed 24/7 i wouldnt do anything but feed myself! I would like to say I am so greatful for my family and friends for looking after me even the horrible nursing me! If it wasnt for then I would of just been in pieces, so thankyou all!
I am now walking and hoping to be back at work next week and my hair is now growing back and Im loving it, except the whole looking like a boy part I cant wait to be able to brush or tie my hair up again =]
I hope everyone is well hope to hear from you all xx
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