I just started using a topical steroid. I'm scared. I guess I used it when I was a baby but when I started growing up I was ALWAYS scared to put something on my head Cuz I thought it would hurt the hairs that are growing back but the dermatologist said that it'll either do something or nothing. Has anyone had experience with topical steroids? if so please tell me your experience and fill me in. thanks.

Views: 76

Comment by Sunflower25 on October 16, 2012 at 8:15am

I was given some, but I rarely use it. I'm pretty sure the headaches I get the following day is directly related (though the derm said no... but come on, it happens EVERY time! haha). I also noticed that my skin changes color for 24+ hours where I put the cream.

Comment by wise1 on October 16, 2012 at 8:15pm
Hmmm I thought I got headaches too! Thought I was imagining it but maybe....Stopped using it after 2 months because I get folliculitis and I'm not sure it is working. It necer seemed to work years ago for me either. Maybe i expect too much too soon. Research though and decide for yourself. It does not stop hair from falling I believe but it can help reduce inflammation and help hair to have the possibility to grow. Just my opinion


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