I found out I had female pattern baldness last year, at age 19. I had been losing here for years and could not figure out why. I struggled a lot with finding out that there was nothing I could do to fix this when I was diagnosed last year. As time went on I was reassured by my boyfriend that he would love me no matter what and that consoled me. I started to think about it less because I knew my family and him would accept me regardless. Now, after 4 and a half years with him, he has broken up with me. He did this unexpectedly the other day and I have found that the only thing I can think of about it all is who is going to want to date someone with thinning hair? How will I ever find another guy? This is really bothering me so I felt that maybe writing it out would get it off my chest.

Views: 153

Comment by Nickibee on October 4, 2015 at 9:06pm
Dear Emily,

This is a tough part in life. Finding someone that accepts you and your flaws. I understand, but you are so much then your hair. There are so many things women can do these days to enhance our hair. Extensions, toppers, wigs....even though you are going through a very tough emotional battle it will be ok. I started losing my hair at 16 and eventually I lost it all. I had to learn to become stronger than my insecurity and realize that as long as I love myself, in time the right person will come along. They did. Message me to chat anytime. You will get through this. I promise!!


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