So I return to my dermatologist this week to see what he has next in his bag of tricks for me. We have just tried a round of steroid injections once a week for three weeks to try to "trick" my immune system and shut it down with zero improvement. He mentioned that next time we will try to take the opposite approach and "rev it up"??? Anyone tried this and what does it entail. I haven't been able to find any information on the internet. I was only diagnosed five months ago so I am still trying to fight back at this point.

Views: 125

Comment by Kim on July 17, 2013 at 7:05am

Hi there. Sent you a friend request. Email me as I have just been through exactly the same thing. Kim

Comment by Tallgirl on July 19, 2013 at 11:54am

It takes the shots about 3 months to work...but it also takes about 3 months for hair to regrow not doing anything, according to some people. It is up to you if you want to spend your money on shots or cool wigs. My derm would never give me more than 6 shots at one time, because they were painful, caused dents in my head's skin, and caused me emotional stress and tears. be careful of over-zealous dermatologists who add too many steroids into your system. I choose to do nothing now but buy the nicer wigs, hats and scarves.

Comment by bamakelly on July 23, 2013 at 9:30am

He did tell me it takes about 3 months for the shots to work. I am not getting the shots in the head because my AA was too far for that by the time I got to see him. He is just giving me general steroid shots. I went to my appointment and he wants to continue the steroids a little longer. I got one the other day and have to get another one in three weeks. There are areas of new growth but at the same time I'm still losing a good bit of hair in other areas. I had hoped that these injections would stop the hair loss. We shall see....


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