Trying to remember name of cream that turned my head purple

I am trying to recreate my treatment history for alopecia, starting back in the '90s. One treatment was a cream that turned my head purple and itched me like crazy. I think the idea was to stimulate the hair follicles. I had to put it on with surgical gloves so as not to turn my hands purple. I don't remember what that was, and it's not in my medical file. Anyone else use it/remember what this is?

Views: 53

Comment by Tallgirl on August 15, 2009 at 12:52pm
Probably psoriasis cream. Turned me brown, not purple.
Comment by panuelo girl on August 15, 2009 at 1:24pm
I do remember that it was for a separate skin condition and they were just hoping it would help itch the life back into the hair follicles. I wish I'd kept better records.
Comment by Jeff W on August 15, 2009 at 10:18pm
Might have been Anthralin also known as Psoriatec or DrithoScalp. I think that's pretty much how it works. The approach now is to apply it for shorter periods of time (like 30-60 minutes) and then wash it off before the irritation becomes too much. The claim is it can be effective without getting to a really irritating state. I actually got a prescription for this from a derm, but never used it because it's very messy. I was warned that it might stain my bathroom fixtures if I wasn't real careful. The other thing is it can take 8-12 weeks to see results, and I wasn't prepared to go through the misery of applying it for that long only to find that it either doesn't work or is only a temporary remdy. The effectiveness of the treatment is not universally accepted.
Comment by Karen Terleckyj on August 18, 2009 at 10:35pm
I used this on my daughter and it is the Anthralin or Ditro-scalp cream. Did not turn her head purple but all clothes and towels it came in contact with. She does have some regrowth but hard to say if this worked as we also tried 3 other treatments.


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