Hi there,
We are using the Hair Up treatment by Dr.Gonen and I had a question for the other users. It has been almost 4 weeks since we started and there are some areas with white hair growth. The question is have the other users noticed an all over bumpiness on the scalp. It's like where the follicles are there is a goosebump. Any insight as to how she is progressing would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and happy new year!


Views: 1507

Comment by Saida Z. (Ariana's mom) on January 4, 2010 at 8:56pm
Hi Tara we're using the treatment on my my 6 yr old. and she does have some goosebumps as well and to be honest i didn't notice them till i read your blog. I did email Dr gonen because we've been on it for about a month and a half and didn't see much of a change except for a very few white hairs he says that it is progress and to emial him back in a month to let him know how she's doing. i would recommend emailing him, or call him with your question he'll call you right back.
Comment by Saida Z. (Ariana's mom) on January 30, 2010 at 6:54pm
Hi Tara. how are you? i was wondering how is the treatment going?
Comment by Tara- mother of Presley on January 31, 2010 at 9:23am
HI Saida,
The treamtment seems to be doing what is expected. She has 90% coverage of either actual hair or peach fuzz. It looks promising but isn't it always a wait and see?! We are hopeful though and this regrowth is faster than when she was on the DCPC treatment.
Comment by Saida Z. (Ariana's mom) on January 31, 2010 at 6:54pm
Thats great news im so happy for you. We are hopeful too we are having some progress not as fast as yours but its something
Comment by yasmin on February 23, 2010 at 11:13am
Hi Tara I have a question for you. Has Presley had itching during the treatment???
Comment by Tara- mother of Presley on February 23, 2010 at 3:40pm
It's funny you ask that. She has had 2 episodes of itchiness in the last month. I emailed Dr.Gonen and he called back saying it was within normal side effects. I took a cold wet cloth to the area and just applied pressure until she said she was OK. Previously though, Presley was on the DCPC treatment which is meant to cause an allergic reaction in the skin so she is sort of used to it. Hope that helps. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need more information.
Comment by Erin on October 24, 2010 at 12:40am
Hi Tara,
I just read your last post about seasonal loss and have no further info for you--my daughter is in her first round of loss and has yet to experience any new growth. At this point do you believe Dr. Gonen's treatment supported new growth for your daughter? Even now that she seems to be losing hair again? My daughter has lost 99% of her hair now and her brows have thinned. We are trying some steroid ointment, Rogaine, probiotic, Omega 3-6-9 supplement, aroma therapy/ deep breathing and acupuncture. We have also eliminated Gluten (5 months now) and dairy (2.5 months). I am continuing to educate myself about possible other treatments to try if the above changes are not successful. I'm curious if you would still recommend Dr. Gonen's treatment... Thanks.
Comment by Tara- mother of Presley on October 24, 2010 at 2:35pm
Hi Erin,
I do believe that the Hair Up treatment did regrow her hair faster. When she was on the DCPC treatment, it took over a year to see results that eventually fell out anyway. When we started her on Hair Up, she did continue to lose her hair but it came back in at a much faster rate. She was bald for maybe 3 months instead of 15 months. As for how the treatment will continue to work, only time will tell. We have changed the regiment as per their suggestion but it would appear at this point, that whatever stimulates the hair loss at this time of year might be more prevalent. I would say that I adhere to the rule that not every treatment will work for everyone the same way but it never hurts to try. If I could make a suggestion to you though, you may want to scale back on your varied treatments. With that many things going on, it makes it difficult to say what is or isn't working. Just a suggestion. I would recomment Dr.Gonen's treatment as it isn't harmful (herbal ingredients only) and can be done in the privacy of your own home. Time consuming yes but could be worth the effort. I'll let you know how things proceed on our end. Good luck!
Comment by Erin on October 24, 2010 at 6:18pm
Hi Tara,

Thank you for the information and advice. Given the unpredictability of this disease and the degree to which so much is still unknown about it, I am relying deeply on the experiences of others to guide me in supporting my daughter. We are very sensitive to striking that balance where we give our best effort to stop her body from attacking itself and at the same time ensure that effort never dominates her life. I do have misgivings about the steroid ointment and Rogaine--we avoided this until her hair was all gone--and was suprised that our holistic pediatrician advised us to continue using it (it was prescribed by a ped derm we saw before finding a holistic ped who specializes in autoimmune disease). My intuition is that we have to find what is tipping our daughter's body out of balance and the dietary changes really strike a chord with me. As does the acupuncture which we do once a week and have gone to 2 sessions now. Your point about less is more with treatment is so true. After a full year of very slow loss and NO new growth anywhere, we finally see one little spot of sparse peach fuzz. So what may be helping? The drugs? the diet? the acupuncture? We were so desperate to see if she COULD achieve new growth we did everything ( we were comfortable with) and now wonder how we will figure out what things we can stop! Our journey has just begun and will be a long one. Meanwhile, and of most importance, our daughter is handling it so well and is just as joyful, daring, silly and wonderful as before the Alopecia. I guess my first priority is making sure that never changes. And though I wish for myself to see her gold hair again, I do realize so much of that is about me and not her.

I'm encouraged by your experience with Hair up and by the fact that it is all herbal. Most of our treatments are done at home during our nightly "yoga-spa" time, so if we abandon any of this, I can see Hair up treatment fitting in our routine. Thank you again for the support--I will look forward to your progress.

Oh, and Presley is beautiful! And I want her pixie hair.
Comment by Vanessa Borrayo Maldonado on July 18, 2011 at 8:19pm
Hi Tara,

I know that this discussion was posted a while back but I am curious about the Hair Up treatments. I have also tried a number of treatments from all over the world...and have not had any success with any of them. I am hesitant to try another because my son is showing some regrowth on the back of his scalp without treatments and I don't want to interfere or affect the growth in any way. My son is 7 years old and was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis at 18 months. By the time he was 3, he had his full head of curls back. But at the age of 5 he started losing all of his hair again.

I am new to Alopecia World...For the first few years, I wanted to continue with life as if nothing was wrong...As if my son being bald would not affect him or my family. It was when he started school at the age of 5, that I began looking into herbal solutions from all over the world. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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