This summer I did some service projects in Las Vegas. One night I had to go to the emergency room with a friend who had a minor ailment. I sat across from a lady who was in scrubs and had noticeable bandages all over her body. I gave a little smile and she said, "I bet not having hair makes it cooler outside." I'm not sure if hair calculates when the temperature is 120 degrees F. We both laughed and she asked me what happened to my hair. In the middle of my alopecia explanation it hit me on how this lady was suffering, truly suffering, and yet her concern was about me. I forget what others may perceive of me in certain situations. Emergency Room + Bald Girl = Really Sick.
I've learned a lot these last few years about staying open to conversations with those who ask about my hair. I'm thankful for that night's conversation.

Views: 16

Comment by Alison on September 30, 2009 at 2:37am
thats a great story! i hope ppl ask me about my lack of hair, no ones really asked me yet.
Comment by Mary on September 30, 2009 at 9:23pm
I get asked several times a week. Twice today when I was at a mall - both were women who had survived breast cancer. Both thought it was great that I was bald in public. Night before last I was at a dinner and the hostess is a cancer doctor. Her friends who hadn't met me before assumed I was one of her patients. I handed out a lot of my alopecia cards that evening!
Comment by Jill on September 30, 2009 at 9:48pm
Educating the world 1 person at a time!


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