So only three months ago I had a small patch, the size of a quarter missing from the back of my head. I was undergoing extreme emotional stress at work and when I went to the doctor, she expressed her concerns that this stress has triggered my hair loss and that I have Alopecia areata. A few weeks go by and more and more hair starts falling out. I finally get an appointment with the dermatologist and by this time the patch size has tripled and expanded to other parts of my head. I have started steroid treatments, and started some foam and rogaine treatments twice daily. My hair still keeps on falling out in an alarming rate. The patch keeps expanding and is now extremely difficult to cover. My hair is getting thinner and thinner; one patch turned into a massive bald spot covering most of the back of my head. It is now expanding to the front and sides of my hair. It looks less and less like patches but more like one big spot. Every few days my scalp starts to hurt and is sore and I lose hair in that particular area. At what point do doctors diagnose their patients with totalis? The doctor said there was a chance that I have this but wanted to wait to see if I respond to the treatments. It is becoming so difficult because each day I am losing so much hair.
I am curious to hear if people with areata have similar stories or if this sounds more like totalis. I know it is a waiting game and only time will tell if the treatments will work, I just need to prepare myself for what is ahead. It has been extremely difficult for me but I am staying very positive considering how fast I am losing the hair. People with areata, did you lose this much hair and this fast? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated :)
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